Sustainable pollination in Europe - joint research on bees and other pollinators (SUPER-B)

Naziv natječaja: Food and Agriculture COST Action FA1307

Izvor financiranja: COST

Uloga AFZ: koordinator

Početak provedbe: 12.02.2014.

Završetak provedbe: 20.04.2018.

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SUPER-B Super B will bring together scientific and societal communities involved in the conservation and sustainable management of ecosystem services mediated by pollinators. >70% of our crops need insects for optimal pollination; these include many fruits, nuts, oil crops, fibres and vegetables with some producing no yield without insect pollination. The direct economic value of crop pollination by insects in the EU is >14 billion euro annually. Moreover, >80% of wild plant species benefit from animal pollinators for fruit and seed production, making pollination a key service for ecosystem and biodiversity maintenance. SUPER-B will combine scientific evidence (existing and new knowledge) and social feedback for developing conservation strategies for pollinators. Specifically, the Action will (1) identify the role of insect pollination in agriculture and other ecosystems; (2) clarify best practices for mitigation of pollination loss, and (3) compare and contrast important drivers of pollinator loss (wild and managed species). SUPER-B will contribute towards maintaining natural ecosystems and achieving sustainable use of pollinators in agricultural production. Its results are relevant to all European countries and will be disseminated to a wide community of beneficiaries (scientists, farmers, beekeepers, industry, policy-makers, NGOs and the public).Web stranica projekta:
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prof. dr. sc. Dragan Bubalo
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet


izv. prof. dr. sc. Lidija Svečnjak
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet

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