Transformation of European Food Systems towards Sustainability by Transnational, Innovative Teaching

Akronim: TEFSI

Naziv natječaja: Erasmus+

Izvor financiranja: Erasmus+

Uloga AFZ: partner

Početak provedbe: 01.09.2018.

Završetak provedbe: 31.08.2020.

Web stranica projekta:


There is a strong need for innovative educational approaches geared to the labor market in the EU. The TEFSI project will support cooperation between 9 European universities to develop, implement and widely disseminate innovative teaching approaches, materials, methods and tools in order to increase the skills and innovation of university teachers and, consequently, to improve the quality and effectiveness of university teaching.
The use of innovative methods will be illustrated for subjects covering various aspects of sustainable food systems, thus increasing teachers’ awareness of the importance of including sustainability issues in their daily educational activities and will be a step in the food sciences, human nutrition, agronomy and related education in the science of life towards sustainability.
The transnationality of the project will allow the extraction / combination, analysis and putting together in the activities and results of the project the strengths of the didactic approaches and strategies of the participating universities.
The project supports cooperation between eight European universities to develop and implement innovative teaching materials and methods for sustainable food systems.
An international analysis was conducted with a questionnaire on over 1100 university students and the evaluation of educational tools such as: an e-learning course, a summer school, small research projects with companies in the food and wine sector and lessons held by students in secondary schools and superior.


prof. dr. sc. Renata Bažok
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet


izv. prof. dr. sc. Paola Migliorini
University of Gastronomic Sciences Italy

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