Learning outcomes
- Master and analyze adapted interdisciplinary knowledge and demonstrate technical skills in the domain of agriculture, environmental protection and related natural, engineering and biotechnical sciences relating to theoretical and practical assessment and evaluation of biological, physical and hydrological components of the natural as well as anthropogenized, notably agricultural, environment and their interactions
- Explain the theoretical bases and concepts of natural resource assessment; theoretical and practical bases for application of appropriate experimental techniques in analysis and appraisal of physical, chemical and biological components of natural and modified eco- and agro-ecosystems, their interactions, using advanced techniques such as modeling, geostatistics, GIS and remote imaging
- Critically consider the issues of balance and sustainability of agro-ecosystems and food production, food safety and resource protection, primarily soil and water; acquire practical understanding of how available research and monitoring techniques can be used for efficient planning of environmental management
- Recognize and explain the principles of applying socio-economic analyses and risk assessment analyses for the environment and resource management, point out the importance of natural resources as production factors in agriculture and overall economy and explain the relationship between the environment and agriculture and ecologically acceptable policies of agricultural development
- Explore and critically evaluate the functioning of natural and agro-ecosystems using the interdisciplinary, holistic approach; analyze the role of edaphic, biological, climatic and hydrological factors and appraise the impact of agriculture and other anthropogenic activities upon natural resources
- Explain the structure and functioning of natural and anthropogenized rural ecosystems, assess the effects of ecosystem degradation in terms of their impact on the environment
- Design and implement a research project, apply appropriate analytical procedures using new methods, all based on the clear definition of the problem, posed hypothesis and adequately selected methods
- Assess the sustainability of the measures applied in agriculture and environmental management systems, including techniques for the development of indicators, criteria and benchmarks (points of reference for a measurement) as well as critical thresholds; incorporate the concept of sustainable development into all phases of project implementation
- Plan and define the logical framework for implementation of a developmental project, including application of modern research techniques in agriculture and environmental protection, devise an adequate experimental design, master the modeling techniques for the appertaining scientific disciplines and, finally, be able to evaluate the obtained results and present them in the form of a professional report
- Recognize the basic principles underlying legislation and policies in the area of agriculture and environmental protection, other regulations and management at the international/national level
- Critically appraise the sustainability of the agro-ecosystem management system in terms of understanding the diversity and experiences in historical context, recognize the current needs and trends in sustainable development of rural areas, notably the role of agriculture
- Understand and interpret correctly relevant data on the environment and ecology, present them pointing to the importance of particular data, using adequate statistical methods and providing evidence-based proofs for conclusions and proposed measures
- Formulate and test hypotheses using logical and consistent quantitative and qualitative criteria
- Discuss problems concerning agro-ecosystem management, present them in such a way as to provoke public interest in national and European development
- Utilize attained abilities of theoretical and practical learning in acquiring new knowledge and skills under formal and non-formal lifelong learning