FAZ experiment stations are used for teaching, scientific research and technical activities.
Presently, FAZ has eight experiment stations:
- Maksimir - 25 Svetošimunska St., Zagreb (in the FAZ neighbourhood),
- Jazbina, Zagreb (a couple of kilometres from the FAZ campus),
- Sljeme Grassland Research Centre at Mt. Medvednica,
- Šiljakovacka Dubrava,
- National Collection od Domesticated Olive Varieties of Croatia,
- Ban Josip Jelačić, Prolom, state-owned hunting grounds III/29, Buzeta (ten kilometres from the City of Glina),
- Šašinovečki Lug, Šašinovec near Sesvete, located some 15 km from the FAZ campus,
- Research Centre for Mediterranean Landscapes
The FAZ has also started setting up a Bioengineering Research Center (ABIC) at 104 Ferenčica, Zagreb. An Agriculture and Food Institute is also in founding stage, and its establishment has been initiated by FAZ and the former Tobacco Institute, Zagreb.
Experiment stations at Maksimir, Jazbina, Sljeme and Dubrovnik have been managed and owned by the FAZ for a long time, while Prolom Buzeta and Šašinovečki Lug are of a more recent date. Experiment station Prolom is owned by the Republic of Croatia and it was turned over to the FAZ based on a 30-year concession agreement signed in 2006.
FAZ is fully responsible for experiment stations Prolom Buzeta and Šašinovečki Lug, while other experiment stations are managed by the FAZ departments. The experiment station at Maksimir (25 Svetošimunska St.) is managed by six departments, the one at Jazbina by two, and Sljeme (Mt. Medvednica) and Dubrovnik Centres are managed by one department each.