In addition to teaching, the scientific research is a fundamental activity taken in pursuit of our mission - improvement in the Croatian agricultural sector. The University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (FAZ) holds a leading position in the Croatian agricultural science by the number of scientists, scientific projects and publications.
The scientific research activities are carried out by the Faculty departments, at their laboratories and experiment stations, as well as in sites off the Faculty compound boundaries used for this purpose. The scientific research is frequently done in collaboration with other scientists and institutions both in Croatia and abroad. During the recent years, the Faculty has had permanent increase in scientific production, primarily in number of projects awarded, papers published in prestigious scientific journals, and in organization and active participation in scientific conferences and congresses.
One of our main objectives in the scientific research is to enable transfer of knowledge and scientific results to the business sector, and to take part in their implementation. This makes the scientific research meaningful. Numerous professional projects and other activities taken up by the Faculty staff in collaboration with the business sector resulted in our leading position in the field on the national level.
Increase in demand for quality scientific research asks for quality revival of human resources. The Faculty has undertaken to encourage excellence and, as result, the best students become junior researchers almost as a rule. The steps are taken to provide them the best education and additional scientific training conditions.