of Ornamental Plants, Landscape Architecture and Garden Art
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture
Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Pavilion 4, Ground Floor
Teaching activities
The establishment of the Department is the beginning of formal education in the field of horticulture. After 2nd world war, changes in teaching in the education of gardeners are slow and insufficient and more aimed at increasing education in vegetable, floriculture and horticulture with almost no progress in the field of landscape architecture.
From the reform of studies in the late 50's until 1980. gardening takes place within the Fruit-vineyard-gardening department, and only after 1980. acts as an independent department of Gardening and Landscape Design, which expands teaching activities to floriculture, dendrology, landscaping, environmental impact studies, garden technology.
The study reform of the 90's separates the field of ornamental horticulture and landscape architecture in the direction of Gardening and Landscaping as an interdisciplinary and interfaculty study based on international guidelines for education in the field of landscape architecture. With the reform of the University according to the Bologna Declaration, the study of Landscaping was reorganized into the study of Landscape Architecture (2005) and it still operates under that name today.
Today's undergraduate program in Horticulture combines theoretical knowledge and practical skills for work in the field of ornamental horticulture. At the graduate level, the Ornamental Plants specialization enables students to acquire the competencies needed to work in various jobs in the field of production, lifting, care and maintenance of ornamental plants.
Scientific and research activiteis
For many years, the Departement has been operating and achieving significant scientific and professional results in two basic and separate areas of work:
- field of ornamental plants - floriculture and park dendrology (research of main floristic and dendrological crops; introduction of wild ornamental species in horticulture; research of the influence of fertilization and growth regulators on the quality of ornamental plants; development of programs for production of planting material open areas and interiors).
- field of landscape architecture - landscape planning and landscaping (research and professional work related to typology and evaluation of landscapes; identification of valuable natural and cultural landscapes; green infrastructure, development of protective planning methodologies; development of landscaping projects for all types of open spaces of urban and rural areas; arrangement of degraded areas, restoration of historic parks).
Experiment stations
Department owns Center for Historic Gardens and Landscape Development in Dubrovnik and Experiment station in Maksimir.
The Department of Ornamental Plants, Landscape Architecture and Garden Art originated from the Department of Horticulture established in 1937 at the suggestion of the Faculty Council and the Rector of the University approved by the Ministry of Education (decision p. No. 21819). The task of the Department was to improve national horticulture and promote its branches, which at that time included vegetable growing, floriculture, garden dendrology and garden (today landscape) architecture. The work of the then established Institute is also supported by the Administration of the Sava Banovina, which approves support for the arrangement of a "horticultural demonstration station" on the faculty estate in Maksimir for the purpose of testing garden crops. In 1978, the Department of Horticulture was reformed and the current Department of Ornamental Plants, Landscape Architecture and Garden Art was established. Development trends and needs in the society enabled further evaluation of the work of the Department in two specialized areas of activity in which it still operates today: the field of ornamental horticulture (floriculture and park dendrology) and the field of landscape architecture.
Chronological overview:
- In 1937, the Department of Horticulture was founded, which operates in several basic areas - vegetable growing, ornamental plants and garden art, and garden (today landscape) architecture; The founder and first head of the Department was Dr. sc. Zdravko Arnold.
- From 1937 to 1980, individual subjects from the field of ornamental plants and landscape architecture were taught in the curriculum of the faculty: "Horticulture", "Floriculture", "Cultivation of ornamental plants" and "Design of parks and landscapes" within the general agricultural direction. within the direction “Fruit growing-viticulture-gardening” (VVV).
- In 1968, the interdisciplinary postgraduate study "Landscape Design" was founded; the head of the study was prof. dr. sc. Elza Polak.
- In 1978, the Department of Ornamental Plants, Landscape Architecture and Garden Art was established; The founder and first head of the Department was prof. dr. sc. Vinko Jurčić.
- In 1980, the direction "Gardening and Landscaping" was introduced into the curriculum of the faculty; the founder and head of the department was prof. dr. sc. Vinko Jurčić.
- In 1982, the "Center for Historical Gardens and Landscape Development" was founded in Dubrovnik (faculty experiment); is created and operates under the leadership of Dr. sc. Bruno Šišić.
- In 1996, with the reform of education, the field of "Gardening and Landscaping" is divided into two separate areas - the field of landscape architecture (study "Landscaping") and the field of floriculture and ornamental plants that are developing within the study "Plant Breeding", direction "Gardening".
- In 1996, the founder and first head of the study "Landscaping" (later "Landscape Architecture") was prof. dr. sc. Branka Aničić; the field of floriculture and ornamental plants is being developed under the leadership of prof. dr. sc. Ines Han Dovedan.
- In 2005, with the reform of the University according to the "Bologna Declaration", the study "Landscaping" was reorganized into the study "Landscape Architecture"; the field of floriculture and ornamental plants is being developed and taught within the newly formed studio "Horticulture".