Central Agricultural Library

Agricultural Library

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture
Svetošimunska cesta 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Pavilion 4, 1 Floor

Working hours:

Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Reading-room: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Central Agricultural Library - OnLine Access

Expert-technical employeesPhoneE-mail (+ @agr.hr)
Graciela Sivončik Matanić, MSc.
Expert Associate SZVO
+385 1 239 4012gracielasm

Central Agricultural Library (CAL)

The history of the Central Agricultural Library is older than Faculty itself and dates back to the foundation of the Croatian Agricultural Society. With the foundation of the "Croatian-Slavonic Society" in 1841 (HGD - founder Bishop Juraj Haulik, later archbishop and cardinal) began the organized collection of books through donations from members of the "Society", prominent citizens and sympathizers, patriots, guild associations, etc. With the extinction of the Croatian Agricultural Society in 1925, the library's collection was eroded and destroyed and changed locations until it was given to the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry for safekeeping. The Central Agricultural Library was established by a temporary decision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Croatia on 21st January 1947, and on the initiative of the Section of Agriculture of the Society of Engineers and Technicians of Croatia. The oldest books in the library date back to the 16th century, while the oldest books in the Croatian language date back to the end of the 18th century. The library's current collection best covers the field of biotechnical and related sciences by the number of volumes. Faculty funds are used to acquire current teaching materials on an ongoing basis in the form of mandatory and recommended, and other scientific and professional literature. Through the planned acquisition, exchange for Faculty publications, collection of materials created by the work of the institution, and the CAK's role as a depository library for FAO publications (since 1994), the library's collection has now reached approximately 123,000 volumes of various materials. The library has collections of more than 9,300 graduate theses, more than 1,000 master's theses, and more than 1,400 doctoral dissertations.

Valuable donations from private collections as well as from various institutions have contributed to the library's growth, and in recent decades it has received donations from the libraries of former employees of the Faculty. In 2016, the Repository of the Faculty of Agriculture was launched, as part of the Digital Academic Archives and Repositories - DABAR (https://repozitorij.agr.unizg.hr/). To this date, 2,201 items have been added to DABAR, 45% of which are open access. The Faculty participates in the project Virtual Collections of the University of Zagreb - Vizbi (https://unizg.eindigo.net/), where original digital publications and digitized materials of authors who contributed to the development of agriculture as a science can be found.

With the collection of nearly 80000 volumes it is the largest agricultural library in Croatia. Library holdings are in the domain of biotehnical sciences : agronomy, biology, botani, agroeconomics, agricultural sociologie, agricultural engeneering and technology, landscape architecture, animal science, plant and soil science, environmental protection and science. CAL is depositary library of FAO publications.

Available at your service:

  • reference book
  • dissertations, reports and theses
  • catalogues
  • statisttics
  • foreign and home journals
  • AGRIS searching database
  • FAO publications
  • CAL OnLine Access
  • interlibrary loan


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