Experiment Station "Maksimir"
Department of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biometrics
The Department uses 4.5 hectares of Maksimir experiment station for the research in the field of genetics of wheat, corn, soybeans and small grain forage legumes and grasses as well as implementation of plant breeding programs for winter wheat, soybeans and forage crops. On the experiment station a collection of inbred maize lines and populations is maintained, as well as forage crops that are included in the National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in the Republic of Croatia. Part of experiment station is used to perform exercises in the field of genetics, plant breeding and biometrics in different studies. Every year an increasing number of undergraduate and graduate students conduct their professional practice at the experiment station and the results of field experiments are used for their final theses and doctoral dissertations.