Asst. Prof. Sonja Butula, PhD
Assistant Professor
Division for Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Department of Ornamental Plants, Landscape Architecture and Garden Art
Office location: 4th Pavilion, room 45
Phone: +385 1 239 4047
Email: butula ( at )
Languages: croatian, english
Consultations: friday 10-12
Academic qualifications
- 1989 - 1993: CIHEAM - MAICH, Chania, Greece, postgraduate study "Renewable Natural Resources Conservation"
1993. Butula, Sonja.
Assessing Fluvial Landscape Values: the Case of the Sava River in the City of Zagreb / Master thesis
Chania, Greece : Mediteranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, 1993, 78 p. supervisor: Cassios, Constantinos - 1983 - 1988: Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
1988. - Graduation thesis
Historical gardens, parks and promenades of Upper Town in Zagreb - - 2004: Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb
2004. Riparian Landscape Value Systems as a Basis for Planning , disertation
Employment and work experience
- 2000 - : Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb 2005-
senior assistant (2004-2005)
Assistant (2000-2004)
- Teorija krajobraza i krajobraznog planiranja (173848)
- Teorija zaštitnog planiranja (26475)
- Osnove krajobraznog planiranja (187318)
- Zaštita okoliša i krajobraza (26534)
- Krajobrazno planiranje - Studio (144515)
- Zaštitno okolišno planiranje - Studio (144518)
Research interests
- landscape and environmental planning
Training and research experience
- 2005/09/01 - 2005/11/30: Heriot Watt University, School of Built Environment, Edinburgh, UK (mixed)
The Royal Society of Edinburgh, scholarship
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Zaštita kvaliteta krajobraza u politici ruralnog razvoja RH | MZOS | 2007/01/01 - 2013/12/31 | coordinator |
university support
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Analiza i planiranje ruralnih krajobraza | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 | coordinator |
Važnost i mogućnosti primjene suvremenih održivih pristupa regulaciji urbanih i ruralnih prostora | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2016/01/01 - 2016/12/31 | coordinator |
Važnost povezivanja zelenih sustava gradskih regija sa zaštićenim područjima prirode | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2015/01/01 - 2015/12/31 | coordinator |
- Butula, Sonja.
Public preferences towards landscape identity : a case study of riparian landscapes in Croatia. // Društvena istraživanja. 18 (2009) , 101; 479-501 - Koščak Miočić Stošić, Vesna; Butula, Sonja; Marković, Berislav.
Gis based environmental modelling of rural development. // Cereal research communications. 36 (2008) , S5 Part 2; 1107-1110 ( - Butula, Sonja.
Planning for sustainable development: the significance of different social interests in landscape. // Drustvena istrazivanja. 12 (2003) , 3-4; 427-441 - Tomić Reljić, Dora; Koščak Miočić-Stošić, Vesna; Butula, Sonja; Andlar, Goran.
An Overview of GIS Applications in Landscape Planning. // Kartografija i geoinformacije. 16 (2017) , 27; 26-43 - . Butula, Sonja; Koščak Miočić Stošić, Vesna.
REDUCING LANDSCAPE VALUES UNCERTAINTY // Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies (ICT)in Urban Planning and Spatial Development and Impacts of ICT on Physical Space / Manfred SCHRENK (ur.).
Beč, Austrija, 2005. 333-337
Bibliography (CROSBI):
Google Scholar:
Other professional activities
- 2008 - 2014: Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Croatia
project -Protection of Landscape Qualities within the policy of rural development in Croatia, leading researcher - 2004 - 2005: INTERREG IIIB, CADSES, County of Istria, Croatia
project Landscape Opportunities for Territorial Organization (LOTO), Pilot project: Sustainable development of special and sensitive landscape areas or protected natural areas - Istria Region: Lower Kamenjak, Mirna River and Cicarija - 2008 - 2009: UNDP, GEF
COAST Landscape project, Landscape inventarisation and sustainable use of demo sites