Prof. Davor Romić, PhD
Full Professor
Division for Agroecology
Department of Soil Amelioration
Office location: 5th Pavillion, 2nd Floor, room no. 34
Phone: +385 1 239 3788
Email: dromic ( at )
Languages: croatian, english
Academic qualifications
- 1992 - 1994: Ph.D.
Saline water irrigation in agroecological conditions of the Vrana Basin - 1989 - 1991: M.Sc.
Complex landscaping of the groundwater system in the Prakodravlje region - 1979 - 1982: B.Sc.
Employment and work experience
- 2016 - 2017: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Full Professor - 2016 - 2016: Government of RH - Ministry of Agriculture
Minister - 2014 - 2016: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Full Professor - 2009 - 2014: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Professor - 2003 - 2009: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Associate professor - 1997 - 2003: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Assistant professor - 1994 - 1997: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Senior assistant - 1992 - 1994: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Assistant - 1982 - 1992: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Expert associate
Teaching outside the AGR
- Hydraulic Amelioration
University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering - Arboriculture
University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry - Irrigation of Agricultural crops – advanced chapters
University Ss. Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food
Research interests
- Water use and management
- Water quality and protection
- Soil use and protection
- Relation soil - water - atmosphere
Training and research experience
- 2000/03/10 - 2000/03/20: Utah State University, Logan, SAD (scientific)
- 1999/10/10 - 1999/11/25: Haifa School for Managers, Haifa, Izrael (scientific)
- 1997/04/01 - 1997/05/31: Wageningen University, Wageningen, Nizozemska (scientific)
- 1990/09/01 - 1991/07/15: The International Centra for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studes, Bari - Italy (teaching)
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Napredni sustav motrenja agroekosustava u riziku od zaslanjivanja i onečišćenja | EU programi | 2020/01/01 - 2023/01/01 | coordinator |
Primjena pepela iz biomase radi unaprjeđenja poljoprivredne proizvodnje i plodnosti tala | National | 2019/11/30 - 2020/11/30 | coordinator |
Organics-Metals-Salts Interactions in Food Safety and Environment Protection: Combined Experimental and Modelling Approach | FP7 | 2013/10/10 - 2016/02/09 | coordinator |
Zaslanjivanje tla - dijagnostika, procesi i utjecaj na biljku | MZOS | 2007/01/01 - 2013/12/31 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Monitoring zaslanjenje voda i poljoprivrednih tala na području doline Neretve od 2014. do 2018. | Other | 2014/11/06 - 2019/05/01 | coordinator |
Izrada pilot projekta sustava navodnjavanja drvenastih kultura (vinove lize i masline) na osvojenim krškim površinama na području Donje polje - Jadrtovac | Suradnja s tijelima uprave | 2014/06/18 - 2017/06/18 | coordinator |
Studija utjecaj poljoprivrede na onečišćenje površinskih i podzemnih voda u Republici Hrvatskoj | Other | 2013/10/18 - 2014/10/18 | coordinator |
Projektna dokumentacija sustava navodnjavanja Dalj | Suradnja s gospodarstvom | 2013/01/25 - 2013/12/31 | coordinator |
university support
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Optimizacija rasporeda navodnjavanja određivanjem pedovarijabli | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 | coordinator |
Utjecaj malčiranja i navodnjavanja kapanjem na tok vode i dinamiku nitrata u krškim uvjetima: primjena numeričkog modeliranja | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2015/01/01 - 2015/12/31 | coordinator |
- Romić D., M. Romić, J. Borosić, M. Poljak (2003): Mulching decreases nitrate leaching in bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivation. Agricultural Water Management, 60/2: 87-97.
- Romić M., Romić D. (2003): Heavy metals distribution in agricultural topsoils in urban area. Environmental Geology, 43:795-805.
- Sollitto, D., Romic, M., Castrignanò, A., Romic, D., Bakic, H. (2010): Assessing heavy metal contamination in soils of the Zagreb region (Northwest Croatia) using multivariate geostatistics. Catena. 80 (3): 182-194.
- Ondrašek, G., Romić, D., Rengel, Z., Romić, M., Zovko, M. (2009): Cadmium accumulation by muskmelon under salt stress in contaminated organic soil. Science of the Total Environment. 407 (7): 2175-2182.
- Romić D., Romić M., Zovko M., Bakić H., Ondrašek G. (2011):Trace metals in the coastal soils developed from estuarine floodplain sediments in the Croatian Mediterranean region // Environmental geochemistry and health, 34/4: 399-416.
- Filipović V., Romić D., Romić M., Borošić J., Filipović L., Mallmann F. J.K., Robinson David A. (2016):
Plastic mulch and nitrogen fertigation in growing vegetables modify soil temperature, water and nitrate dynamics: Experimental resultsand a modeling study. Agricultural water management 176:100-110.
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