Sadržaj i antioksidacijska aktivnost fenolnih kiselina antocijanina zrna žutog kukuruza

Competition title: Natječaj za financiranje istraživačke djelatnosti na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu

Funding: Sveučilište u Zagrebu

AFZ role: coordinator

Total value: HRK 38,500.00

Start date: 2017/01/01

End date: 2017/12/31


Assoc. Prof. Kristina Kljak, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture


Asst. Prof. Marija Duvnjak, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture

Prof. Goran Kiš, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture

Assoc. Prof. Dalibor Bedeković, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture

Prof. Jasna Pintar, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture

Prof. Zlatko Janječić, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture

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