Prof. Zlatko Janječić, PhD

Full Professor
Division for Animal Sciences
Department of Animal Nutrition
Office location: 2nd pavilion, ground floor right
Phone: +385 1 239 3951
Email: zjanjecic ( at )
Languages: croatian, english
Consultations: wednesday from 10am til 12pm
Academic qualifications
- 1998 - 2002: phD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of Zagorje turkeys - 1994 - 1998: Master of Science
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Influence of increased calcium and rapeseed meal on chicken production parameters - 1989 - 1994: MSc of Animal Science
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Influence of different nursing and sows feeding on pig production
Employment and work experience
- 1994 - : University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
2019. - today full professor in permanent position
2014. - 2019. full professor
2009. - 2014. associate professor
2005. - 2009. assistant professor
2002. - 2005. senior Assistant
1998. - 2002. assistant
1994. - 1998. young researcher
- Ocjena i kakvoća trupova i mesa (144551)
- Znanstveno-istraživački rad u peradarstvu (173863)
- Etika korištenja životinja (132845)
- Osnove stočarstva (156986)
- Objekti i oprema u stočarstvu (143901)
- Upravljanje farmom (143854)
- Alternativni uzgoji peradi (169415)
- Izvorne pasmine i njihova zaštita (157048)
- Uzgoj i korištenje kunića (143923)
- Uzgoj i korištenje peradi (157054)
- Uzgoj i korištenje vodne peradi i nojeva (157811)
- Uzgoj i sustavi proizvodnje mesa peradi i jaja (144549)
- Hranidba peradi i kunića (144505)
- Tehnologije i tehnički procesi u proizvodnji mlijeka i mesa (269261)
- Zaštićene oznake kvalitete mesa i mesnih proizvoda (169300)
- Osnove stočarske proizvodnje (226156)
- Biotehnologije u peradarstvu (246721)
- Uzgoj i sustavi proizvodnje mesa vodne peradi (226297)
- Ponašanje i dobrobit farmskih životinja (251034)
Research interests
- Poultry breeding
- Indigenous breeds of poultry
- Rabbit breeding
- Welfare of animals used in scientific research
Training and research experience
- 2020/03/11 - 2020/03/13: Danish Agricultural and Food Council, Copenhagen, Denmark (scientific)
COST Action CA15224 workshop on detecting and mitigating the consequences of keel bone damage in laying hens. - 2019/10/08 - 2019/10/12: University of Novi Sad - Faculty of Agriculture (scientific)
COST Action CA15224 workshop on detecting and mitigating the consequences of keel bone damage in laying hens. - 2019/10/02 - 2019/10/04: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (scientific)
2nd TEFSI Capacity Building Course (TESI – Transformation of European Food Systems towards Sustainability by Transnational Innovative Teaching - 2018/10/25 - 2018/10/26: CroLASA (mixed)
Scientific-professional workshop on the welfare of laboratory animals - 2018/06/13 - 2018/06/15: Experimental Poultry Centre in Geel , Belgium (scientific)
COST Action CA15224 workshop on detecting and mitigating the consequences of keel bone damage in laying hens. - 2018/01/24 - 2018/01/27: Slovak University of Agriculture, Bratislava, Slovačka (scientific)
COST Action CA15224 workshop on detecting and mitigating the consequences of keel bone damage in laying hens. - 2017/10/24 - 2017/10/27: Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, Croatia (expert)
LIFE project - professional lectures, field trip and demonstration of some of the project activities in Slovenia and Italy - 2017/08/20 - 2017/08/28: University of Bern, Division of Animal Welfare, Švicarska (scientific)
COST Action CA15224 workshop on detecting and mitigating the consequences of keel bone damage in laying hens. - 2017/03/20 - 2017/03/23: Biotechnical Faculty University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, (scientific)
COST Action CA15224 workshop on detecting and mitigating the consequences of keel bone damage in laying hens. - 2016/03/11 - 2016/03/13: Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovak Republic (scientific)
CASEE International Winter School “Biotechnology and Food Sciences” - 2016/02/15 - 2016/02/18: Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic (scientific)
Participation in the workshop "Production and quality control of food in the Czech Republic and Croatia"
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Biodostupnost karotenoida kukuruza kod nesilica: utjecaj mikrostrukture zrna i sastava smjese | Croatian science foundation | 2020/01/15 - 2024/01/14 | coordinator |
Identifying causes and solutions of keel bone damage in laying hens | COST | 2016/10/18 - 2020/10/17 | partner |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Zaštita posavske kukmaste kokoši | Zagrebačka županija | 2019/07/24 - 2021/12/31 | coordinator |
Edukacijom, novim tehnologijama i organizacijom do konkurentnije peradarske proizvodnje na obiteljskim poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima u Zagrebačkoj županiji | Hrvatski veterinarski institut, Centar za peradarstvo | 2019/07/17 - 2020/12/31 | partner |
Uzgoj dravske guske na gospodarstvima Varaždinske županije | VIP - Vijeće za istraživanja u poljoprivredi | 2015/11/05 - 2017/11/05 | coordinator |
Reprodukcija i uzgoj zagorskih purana na OPG | VIP - Vijeće za istraživanja u poljoprivredi | 2012/11/13 - 2014/11/13 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Unapređenje stručne prakse na preddiplomskim i diplomskim studijima Agronomskog fakulteta | Europski socijalni fond | 2020/03/09 - 2023/03/09 | coordinator |
university support
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Sadržaj i antioksidacijska aktivnost fenolnih kiselina antocijanina zrna žutog kukuruza | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 | coordinator |
Utjecaj fitogenih dodataka na kvalitetu jaja i zdravstveni status kokoši nesilica | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2014/01/01 - 2014/12/31 | coordinator |
- Horvatek Tomić, danijela; Janječić, Zlatko; Maltar, Antonio; Mazija, Hrvoje; Medić, Helga; Prukner-Radovčić, Estella; Raguž-Đurić, Radmila
2000-2019 Udruga za znanost o peradi, Zagreb: Udruga za znanost o peradi, 2020 (monografija) - Krička, Tajana; Bilandžija, Nikola; Voća, Neven; Matin, Ana; Jurišić, Vanja; Bedeković, Dalibor; Grubor, Mateja; Janječić, Zlatko
Old brown bread’s nutritional usability in broiler feeds // Poljoprivreda (Osijek), 26 (2020), 1; 48-55 - Galić, Ante; Filipović, Dubravko; Pliestić, Stjepan; Janječić, Zlatko; Bedeković, Dalibor; Kovačev, Igor; Čopec, Krešimir; Koronc, Zlatko
The comparison of quality characteristics of Pekin duck and Cherry Valley duck eggs from free-range raising system // Journal of Central European agriculture, 20 (2019), 4; 1099-1110 - Galić, Ante; Filipović, Dubravko; Janječić, Zlatko; Bedeković, Dalibor; Kovačev, Igor; Čopec, Krešimir; Pliestić, Stjepan
Physical and mechanical characteristics of Hisex Brown hen eggs from three different housing systems // South African journal of animal science, 49 (2019), 3; 468-476 - Pušić, Ivan; Beer Ljubić, Blanka; Vihnanek Lazarus, Maja; Radin, Lada; Janječić, Zlatko; Bedeković, Dalibor; Križek, Ivan; Jurčević, Jakov; Aladrović, Jasna
Dietary organic selenium supplementations affect oxidative stability of chilled and frozen chicken meat // Journal of food and nutrition research, 57 (2018), 3; 274-283 - Janječić, Zlatko, Jasna Pintar, Bedeković, Dalibor., Nikolina Lugarić
UTJECAJ HRANIDBE NA PROIZVODNE POKAZATELJE I KVALITETU MESA TOVNIH KUNIĆA // Krmiva : časopis o hranidbi životinja, proizvodnji i tehnologiji krme, 58 (2017)
Bibliography (CROSBI):
Google Scholar:
Other professional activities
- 2020 - : Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia
Member of the Commission for drafting the Rulebook on marketing standards for eggs. - 2018 - : Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia
Member of the Ethics Committee for the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes. - 2017 - : Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia
Member of the Commission for the Implementation of Protection calls the designation of origin, geographical indication and guaranteed traditional specialty of agricultural and food products. - 2017 - : Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia
Member of the Council for the implementation of the procedure for using the Sign of Eggs of Croatian farms. - 2017 - : Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Croatia
Member of the Expert Council for monitoring the situation in poultry production. - 2011 - : Croatian society of agronomists, journal "Krmiva"
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal "Krmiva" - 2001 - : WPSA - Poultry Science Association
Member of the Executive Board of the Poultry Science Association