Agro-economic policy analysis of the new member states, the candidate states and the Countries of Western Balkan
Acronym: CEEC AgriPolicy
Competition title: EC FP7
Funding: EU programi
AFZ role: partner
Total value: €998,219.00
Funded amount: €865,768.00
Start date: 2005/05/01
End date: 2007/04/30
The overall objective of the project is to support the formulation of Community agricultural policies by developing an open and interactive network in agricultural economics. The New Member States (Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia) the Candidate countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Turkey) as well as countries from the Western Balkan (Bosnia Herzegovina and Serbia Montenegro) take part in the project. Organisations from France and the United Kingdom, specialised in agricultural economics and experienced in working in the Central Eastern Europe Countries also participate in the project. The project has the specified following objectives: 1. To favour the development of the European Research Area 2. To improve interactive relationships between research and policy in agricultural sector 3. To improve the EC with timely and effective scientific inputs for the development of policies 4. To improve information and exploitation of results of the research in agricultural economics 5. To contribute to defining future support activities for agricultural economic research The project will commence by compiling a register of expertise. A detailed database and a web portal will then be developed. Expert groups will be constituted to favour the networking of research organisations in the area of agricultural economics. Three kinds of activities will start after these phases: - Reports, workshops and community work place (forum) will be developed to enhance interactivity between researchers and policy makers - Scientific inputs will be provided to the EC (6-monthly report) - Dissemination activities will be performed (newsletter, mail shot).
Olivier Chartier
Euroquality France
Prof. Marija Cerjak, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture