Incoming students
Incomings are students who wish to spend part of their degree study programme at FAZ within following mobility exchange programmes:
Within Erasmus+ programme it is possible to be an exchange student at FAZ as part of an organised study exchange with one of the Faculty’s partner institutions, or to undertake training through an arranged traineeship.
- Erasmus+ programme for studies: upon nomination by your home university, please visit the University of Zagreb webpage for more information on application procedure.
- Erasmus+ programme for traineeships: Erasmus+ traineeships are organised through the department you wish to work for. In order to find relevant department please visit departments’ webpage . For more information contact IRO or professors directly.
The University of Zagreb is responsible for application procedure of Erasmus+ incoming students. For further details about the application procedure, including application requirements and deadlines, please visit University of Zagreb website . In order to make sure you select suitable courses, please refer to Courses taught in English section. The ABc guide in Useful information section will answer questions you might have on enrolment procedure and practical information during your stay in Zagreb as an Erasmus+ exchange student at FAZ.
Erasmus+ incoming students enrol at FAZ upon their arrival, not before!
CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies) is an academic programme of student and teacher exchange among Central-Eastern European countries based on multilateral agreement for establishing cooperation in the field of education and specialization in the framework of Middle European exchange programme for university studies. The original agreement was signed in Budapest on Dec 8, 1993.
The following countries participate in the CEEPUS programme:
Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech, Kosovo, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Slovakia.
The Faculty of Agriculture participates in the following CEEPUS networks:
- Agriculture and Environment in the 21st Century - @groen CIII-HU-0003-17-2122
- Biology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences CIII-SK-1018-07-2122
- Applied Economics and Management CIII-SK-0044-16-2122
- Landscape management - Sustainable land use perspectives in the Central European Region CIII-CZ-0311-14-2122
- EcoManAqua - Ecology and Management of aquatic ecosystems in Central, East and Southeast Europe CIII-AT-1101-06-2122
- Managerial Processes in International Environment CIII-CZ-0911-07-2122
- Improving Food Quality with Novel Food Processing Technologies CIII-RS-1512-02-2122
All incoming students are requested to make their application process at CEEPUS website . In order to make sure you find suitable courses please refer to Courses taught in English section. Additional information is available at the Croatian Agency for Mobility an EU Programmes and you can always contact us directly for any questions, comments or inquiries.
Application deadlines:
- 15 June – submission of winter semester applications
- 31 October - submission of summer semester applications
- 30 November – submission of FREEMOVER application
CEEPUS incoming students are obliged to fill in Application Form for Exchange Students (pdf) and Learning Agreement (pdf). Learning Agreement needs to be signed by your home university. In order to make sure you select suitable courses, please refer to Courses taught in English section. Note that you can change your Learning Agreement after arrival, if necessary.
Enclosed documents:
- academic transcript of records (an official list of courses you have attended so far - in English)
- copy of English or Croatian language certificate (B2 level)
- copy of your ID-card (e.g. passport, page with your picture)
- copy of your diploma degree (if you are a MSc or PhD student)
In our ABc Guide for incoming students you will find practical information and advice to help you during your first weeks at FAZ.
CEEPUS incoming students enrol at FAZ upon their arrival, not before!
In order to undertake a bilateral study exchange at FAZ, there must be a current Institutional Agreement between partner institutions.
Bilateral incoming students are obliged to fill in Application Form for Exchange Students (pdf) and Learning Agreement (pdf). Learning Agreement needs to be signed by your home university. In order to make sure you select suitable courses, please refer to Courses taught in English section. Note that you can change your Learning Agreement after arrival, if necessary.
Enclosed documents:
- Academic transcript of records (an official list of courses you have -attended so far - in English)
- Copy of English or Croatian language certificate (B2 level)
- Copy of your ID-card (e.g. passport, page with your picture)
- Copy of your diploma degree (if you are a MSc or PhD student)
Although you are a bilateral incoming student, have a look at our ABc Guide for Erasmus+ students where you will find practical information and advice to help you during your first weeks at FAZ, so please refer to Useful information section.
Bilateral incoming students enrol at FAZ upon their arrival, not before!
Courses taught in English
FAZ is offering courses taught in English in two educational cycles: Undergraduate studies (BS) and Graduate studies (MS). Moreover, it offers English-taught graduate programme – Environment, Agriculture and Resource Management (Inter-EnAgro) . Incoming students can combine courses from BS, MS level and Inter-EnAgro study programme. Additionally, FAZ offers specialist English-taught study Executive MBA in Agribusiness and Commerce .
Before horizontal mobility:
- Contact the International Relations Office (IRO; at the Faculty of Agriculture (FAZ – primary host institution) to check the possibility of taking an elective course at another faculty (secondary host institution).
- * Courses from other faculties must not be included in the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) signed with the Faculty of Agriculture
- * Selection of courses from other faculties requires signing of a separate OLA
- * All enrolled courses must be selected in defined field of study (selected ISCED codes)
- After approval from FAZ - contact the International Relations Office (IRO) at another faculty (secondary Host Institution) and sign a new Online Learning Agreement with other faculty.
- * OLA should first be improved and signed by the Home Institution Coordinator and then signed by the student
- Send the signed OLA with the other faculty to the IRO office of the Faculty of Agriculture
- Contact the elective course coordinator in order to obtain authorisation to join
During the horizontal mobility
- Download the Approval Form for the Enrolment of Elective Courses (horizontal mobility form)
- Fill in the Student’s data section of the form;
- Bring the document to the IRO office of the Faculty of Agriculture for the certification
- Take the horizontal mobility form to the course coordinator in order to sign it and fill in the Information on the elective course
After the horizontal mobility
- The course coordinator must complete and confirm the Information about the course examination
- Contact Student Administration Office or the IRO office of the secondary host institution in order to confirm Attestation by the responsible person, which needs to be signed by the responsible person and stamped by the secondary host institution
- Bring the completed form to the IRO office of the Faculty of Agriculture to make recognition of examined course
Useful Information for incoming students:
Useful Information for incoming students
Please note that IRO is not responsible for providing any information regarding visa requirements. For more information contact the Croatian embassy in your country of residence or Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs.
ABc Guide for incoming students (.pdf)
PIN (OIB) information:
During your stay in Croatia, you will need an OIB (Personal Identification Number - PIN) to complete the enrollment process and obtain an AAI to use the Eduroam network at the University/Faculty.
Students need to obtain an OIB by themselves at one of the Tax Administration Offices. To obtain an OIB, it is necessary to submit the following to the Tax Administration Office:
- Completed OIB request form
- Travel document (passport or identity card)
It is advised to go to the tax office as soon as possible, since obtaining an OIB usually takes up to 5 working days (sometimes more).
The nearest Tax Administration Offices to the Faculty of Agriculture are:
- Albrechtova 42, Zagreb
- Dubrava 49, Dubrava, Zagreb
A list of all Tax Administration Offices is available at the following link: