Asst. Prof. Marina Tomić Maksan, PhD
Assistant Professor
Division for Agroeconomy and Informatics
Department of Marketing and Innovation in Agribusiness
Office location: 5th Pavilion, 3rd Floor
Phone: +385 1 239 3787
Email: matomic ( at )
Academic qualifications
- 2012 - 2016: PhD
Application of Theory of Planned Behaviour in Ethnocentric Buying Behaviour - 2008 - 2010: Master of enginnering in Agribusiness and rural development
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Risk Management Zdenka dairy products ltd - 2005 - 2008: Bachelor in Engineering of agricultural economics
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Risk analysis and economic food safety - dairy farm case study
Employment and work experience
- 2011 - : University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
2017: postdoctoral researcher
2011-2017: assistant
- Akvakultura (226341)
- Izravna prodaja i prerada na seljačkom gospodarstvu (132812)
- Prerada mlijeka na OPG-u (226166)
- Istraživanje tržišta (132881)
- Marketing u poljoprivredi (132792)
- Uvod u istraživački rad (268839)
- Primjena marketinga i inovacije u agrobiznisu (132884)
- Razvojni projekti u ruralnom turizmu (144409)
- Opskrbni lanci u agrobiznisu (185476)
- Istraživačke metode u društvenim znanostima (197690)
- Ponašanje potrošača na tržištima hrane (197702)
- Milk processing on family farm (188842)
- Aquaculture (188836)
- E-marketing for sustainable development (219687)
Research interests
- marketing
- consumer behaviour
- e-marketing
- direct sale
Training and research experience
- 2017/06/26 - 2017/06/30: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Economics and Management (mixed)
- 2016/12/05 - 2016/12/09: Technical University of Munich (teaching)
- 2016/11/14 - 2016/11/25: Norwegian University of Life Sciences (scientific)
- 2015/09/21 - 2015/09/23: University of Hohenheim (teaching)
- 2015/04/01 - 2015/04/30: University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna, Institute of Agricultural Economics (mixed)
- 2015/03/18 - 2015/03/25: European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) (expert)
- 2014/06/15 - 2014/06/21: Aarhus University, Department of Business Administration (mixed)
- 2013/05/01 - 2013/05/31: University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna, Institute of Agricultural Economics (mixed)
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Gender Equality in Rural and Agricultural Innovation SystemS | HORIZON EUROPE | 2023/01/01 - 2025/12/31 | partner |
Sustainable food chains through public policies: the cases of the EU quality policy and of public sector food procurement | Horizon 2020 | 2016/03/01 - 2021/02/28 | partner |
Zadružno organiziranje mladih poljoprivrednika u jačanju konkurentnosti poljoprivrede | MZO | 2014/01/01 - 2014/12/31 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Razvoj agro-turizma u Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj županiji | Suradnja s tijelima uprave | 2011/11/15 - 2013/11/15 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Boosting Excellence in Experimental Research for Agri-Food Economics and Management | Horizon 2020 | 2020/10/01 - 2023/09/30 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Agriculture in Alps-Adriatic Region | EU programi | 2013/12/01 - 2016/11/30 | coordinator |
Transferring Methods for Validation of Informal Learning to VET Institutions in the Field of Sustainable Agriculture | EU programi | 2013/10/01 - 2015/12/31 | partner |
university support
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Zadovoljstvo potrošača kupnjom svježeg mesa na domaćem tržištu | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 | coordinator |
Zadovoljstvo potrošača kupnjom svježeg voća i povrća na domaćem tržištu | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2016/01/01 - 2016/12/31 | coordinator |
Doprinos državnih potpora ekonomskoj održivosti obiteljskih pojoprivrednih gospodarstava | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2015/01/01 - 2015/12/31 | coordinator |
Bibliography (CROSBI):
Google Scholar: