
Weed Ecology (188840)

Course coordinator

Course description

With new, environmental friendly weed control methods knowledge of weed biology and ecology is of great importance. Objectives of the course Weed Ecology are: principles of weed ecology, genetic aspects of weeds, ecological characteristics of the life cycle; the influence of abiotic factors on growth and development of weeds; interferences in agroecosystems; biodiversity and changes in the composition of weeds. The subject specially deals with the possibility of prediction (determination of the weed seed bank) and application of predictive weed emergence models in determining the optimal weed control time. The object of the course is also problem of invasive weed species and their aerobiology.

Type of course

ECTS: 3.00

Teaching hours: 30
Lectures: 14
Practicum: 12
Seminar: 4

Associate teacher for exercises
Associate teacher for seminars

Sufficient (2): 60-69%
Good (3): 70-79%
Very good (4): 80-89%
Excellent (5): 90-100%

General competencies

Basic knowledge of weed biology

Types of instruction

  • Lectures
    Principles of weed ecology, genetic aspects of weeds, ecological characteristics of the life cycle; the influence of abiotic factors on growth and development of weeds; interferences in agroecosystems; biodiversity and changes in the composition of weeds, possibility of weed prediction and application of predictive weed emergence models in determining the optimal weed control time, invasive weed species and their aerobiology.
  • Laboratory practice/exercises
    1) Determination of germinating seed in the population of seeds harvested from plants in field teaching. Determination of intra-population variability by weight and seed volume 2) Destructive methods for weed seed viability test: Tetrazolium test and Crush test ). 3) Weed seed bank analysis – method of seiving 4) Determination of seeds isolated from seed bank and determination of seed viability 5) Determination of allelopathic effect of weed species on germination of test species 6) Laboratory for aerobiology of the Public Health Institute 'Dr. Andrija Štampar: Demonstration of pollen monitoring method in the air and in the honey
  • Field work
    Experimental station Šašinovečki Lug - collecting weed seeds to determine weed germination / dormancy. Taking soil samples for soil seed analysis for the purpose of weed emergence prediction
  • Seminars
    Ecology of selected weed species

Learning outcomes

Learning outcome Evaluation methods
To demonstrate the importance of biological and ecological features of weeds in different ecosystems IU2 To explain the reasons for changes in weed species in agricultural areas Written exam
To find out how abiotic and biotic factors influence the appearance of weed species Written exam and Seminar
To explain the role of competitive and allelopathic effect of weed species on agrochemicals Written exam
To determine the composition of the weed flora of the agricultural area by analyzing seeds from the soil sample laboratory excercies colloqium

Working methods

Students' obligations

- Attendance to lectures exercises and seminars
- presentation of seminar
- laboratory excercies colloqium

Methods of grading

Evaluation elements Maximum points or Share in evaluation Grade rating scale Grade Direct teaching hours Total number of average student workload ECTS
Colloqium – laboratory excercises test 15% 0-59%
Insufficient (1)
Sufficient (2)
Good (3)
Very good (4)
Excellent (5)
6 13,5 0,45
Evaluation elements Maximum points or Share in evaluation Grade rating scale Grade Direct teaching hours Total number of average student workload ECTS
Seminar – oral presentation and written part (voluntarily) 30% 0-59%
Insufficient (1)
Sufficient (2)
Good (3)
Very good (4)
Excellent (5)
4 18 0,6
Evaluation elements Maximum points or Share in evaluation Grade rating scale Grade Direct teaching hours Total number of average student workload ECTS
Written test 55% 0-59%
Insufficient (1)
Sufficient (2)
Good (3)
Very good (4)
Excellent (5)
20 58,5 1,95
Total 30 90 3

Weekly class schedule

  1. L Introduction to Weed Ecology. History and Guidelines on Weed Science. The importance of biology and weed ecology for agricultural production and agrochemicals
  2. Field teaching: Experimental station Šašinovečki Lug - collecting weed seeds to determine weed germination / dormancy. Taking soil samples for soil seed analysis for the purpose of weed emergence prediction
  3. L The classification of weeds. Life forms of plants. Physiological classification of plants. Weeds as a result of human activity. The relation of weeds to ecological factors-ecological indices and plant life forms
  4. L Distribution of weed populations, changes over time and population distribution estimates. E Abundance and methods of measuring population abundance. Changes in population structure and dynamics over time. Calculation - predicting changes in the weed population dynamics in a quiet and periodic environment
  5. Sexual and asexual reproduction. Dispersal of weeds in space (primary and secondary dispersal). L The composition of weed seeds in soil within the agroecosystem. Determination of germinating seed in the population of seeds harvested from plants in field teaching. Determination of intra-population variability by weight and seed volume
  6. Effect of abiotic and biotic factors on germination and growth of weeds: development of plants from seeds to germs
  7. Destructive methods for weed seed viability test: Tetrazolium test and Crush test ).
  8. Weed seed bank analysis – method of seiving
  9. The effect of abiotic and biotic factors on phenological development of weeds: from germination to maturation (seed formation). Determination of the growing degree days for development of certain phenological phases of weed species. Determination of seeds isolated from seed bank and determination of seed viability
  10. Interaction among populations – competition and allelopathy. Intra iand inter competition. Factors of competition – light, nutrition, water and space. Allelopathy – role of allelopathy on agroecosystem, allelopathic effect of weed species Determination of allelopathic effect of weed species on germination of test species
  11. Invasive plant species - defining problems; methods of entry of invasive plant species; economic harm of invasive weed species; allergen potential of plant species. Flora Croatia database - analysis of the presence and distribution of invasive weeds in the Republic of Croatia
  12. Methods of monitoring pollen of allergenic plant species; pollen forecast for the Republic of Croatia; Alergo-alert-application for monitoring the pollen of allergenic plants in the air; an introduction to melisonopalinology
  13. Laboratory for aerobiology of the Public Health Institute 'Dr. Andrija Štampar: Demonstration of pollen monitoring method in the air and in the honey - a presentation of the pollen sampler plant located on the roof of the Institute; Preparation of pollen measuring device (in air and in the honey); microscopy of pollen samples; microscopic presentation of pollen of alergenic plants - Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Chenopodium spp., Rumex spp., Plantago spp
  14. Work shop about seminar preparation and presentation
  15. Student presentation and discussion

Obligatory literature

  1. Šarić T., Ostojić Z., Stefanović L., Milanova S., Kazinczi G., Tyšer L. (2011). The changes of the composition of weed flora in South-eastern and Central Europe as affected by cropping practices. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Weeds Sarajevo, 20-21 May, 2011 (part I). Herbologia, Vol. 12 (1): 4-16
  2. Booth B. D., Murphy S. D. i Swanton C.J. (2003). Weed ecology in natural and agricultural systems.
  3. Zimdahl R. L. (2007): Fundamentals of Weed Science (third edition). Academic press, USA
  4. Kohli, R. et al (2001). Allelopathy in Agroecosystems. Food Products Press An Imprint of The Haworth Press, New York.
  5. Weber (2004). Invasive Plant Species of the World- A reference guide to environmental weeds. CABI Publishing, USA.
  6. Monaco, T et al (2001). Weed Science – principles and practices. Part: Weed

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