Asst. Prof. Valentina Šoštarčić, PhD

Assistant Professor
Division for Phytomedicine
Department of Weed Science
Office location: 5 pavilion, 3 floor, room number 062
Phone: +385 1 239 4086
Email: vsostarcic ( at )
Languages: croatian, english

Academic qualifications

  • 2016 - 2022: Doctor of Science
    University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
    Predicting weed emergence in maize with hydrothermal modelling
    Mentors: Maja Šćepanović, Ph.D., Associate professor
    Roberta Masin, Ph.D., Associate professor
  • 2014 - 2016: Master of engeeniring in Phytomedicine, M. Sc.
    University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
    Sensitivity of barnyardgrass to reduced doses of topramezone at different growth stages
    Mentor: Maja Šćepanović, Ph.D., Associate professor
  • 2011 - 2014: University Bachelor of Engineering in Plant Protection B. Sc.
    University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
    Effect of the reduce topramezone rate and adjuvants on Chenopodium album (L.) and Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) in maize
    Mentor: Maja Šćepanović, Ph.D., Associate professor

Employment and work experience

  • 2022 - : University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
    Postdoctoral student in the scientific field of Biotechnical Sciences, scientific field: Agriculture, branch: Phytomedicine at the Department of Weed Science, field of activity: scientific - professional - teaching
  • 2016 - 2022: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
    Assistant in the scientific field of Biotechnical Sciences, scientific field: Agriculture, branch: Phytomedicine at the Department of Weed Science, field of activity: scientific - professional - teaching


Research interests

  • weed biology
  • weed ecology
  • predictive weed emergence models
  • adjuvants
  • reduced dose of herbicides
  • allelopathy

Training and research experience

  • 2021/09/20 - 2021/10/20: University of Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture (scientific)
  • 2019/01/07 - 2019/03/07: University of Padova Department of Agronomy Food Natural Resources Animal and Environment (DAFNAE) (mixed)
  • 2017/06/30 - 2017/09/30: University of Padova Department of Agronomy Food Natural Resources Animal and Environment (DAFNAE) (mixed)
  • 2014/06/15 - 2014/09/15: University of Padova Department of Agronomy Food Natural Resources Animal and Environment (DAFNAE) (mixed)



Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Monitoring rezistentnosti štetnih organizama na sredstva za zaštitu bilja u Republici Hrvatskoj (2018-2020.) Ministarstvo poljoprivrede 2018/01/01 - 2020/12/31 coordinator


Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Pre em i post em primjena herbicida IFT+TCM+CSA u kukuruzu Suradnja s gospodarstvom 2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 coordinator

university support

Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Razvoj biotest metode za utvrđivanje osjetljivosti biljaka na rezidue herbicida Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 coordinator
Razvoj biotest metode za utvrđivanje rezidua i ispiranja herbicida u tlu Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2016/01/01 - 2016/12/31 coordinator


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