Monitoring vode iz drenskih cijevi u 2017. godini
Competition title: Hrvatske vode
Funding: Other
AFZ role: coordinator
Total value: HRK 87,000.00
Funded amount: HRK 87,000.00
Start date: 2017/07/03
End date: 2017/12/31
Prof. Milan Mesić, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Marija Galić, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Assoc. Prof. Igor Bogunović, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Assoc. Prof. Aleksandra Perčin, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Assoc. Prof. Ivana Šestak, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Prof. Željka Zgorelec, PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture