Assoc. Prof. Ivana Šestak, PhD

Associate Professor
Division for Agroecology
Department of General Agronomy
Office location: 6th Pavillion, 1st floor, room number 116
Phone: +385 1 239 4088
Email: isestak ( at )
Languages: croatian, english

Academic qualifications

  • 2004 - 2011: Ph.D.
    Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
    „Use of Field Spectroscopy for Assessment of Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Winter Wheat”
  • 1998 - 2003: M.S. (Agr), landscape architecture
    Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
    "Woody plant species of water edge near the public swimming area of river Kupa near Petrinja"

Employment and work experience

  • 2004 - : Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Department of General Agronomy
    2004 - 2011: teaching assistant
    2011 - 2012: senior research assistant
    2012 - 2020: assistant professor
    2020 - now: associate professor


Research interests

  • remote sensing in agriculture
  • precision farming
  • soil and plant spectroscopy
  • GIS
  • agroecology
  • multivariate statistics - linear and non-linear models

Training and research experience

  • 2012/01/09 - 2012/01/16: The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) - Institute of Agribusiness, Valletta, Malta (teaching)
    Development of module syllabus and teaching 30 hours of lectures on module: „Sustainable Land Use“ (Agribusiness Top-Up Degree module) at BSc study program of Animal Management
  • 2010/03/19 - 2010/04/12: Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University (ISU), Ames, Iowa, USA (scientific)
    Scientific training in the field of multivariate statistical methods and biophysical modeling with hyperspectral data for the purpose of a doctoral thesis
  • 2008/10/13 - 2008/10/18: Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University (ISU), Ames, Iowa, USA (scientific)
    Scientific training in domain of field remote sensing techniques in agriculture with implementing collaboration on joint supervision of doctoral thesis
  • 2008/10/08 - 2008/10/12: Analytical Spectral Devices Inc. (, Boulder, Colorado, USA (scientific)
    ASD "Chemometrics & Instrumentation Training" - scientific training on remote sensing techniques in agriculture: field spectroscopy with qualitative and quantitative spectral data analysis
  • 2005/07/10 - 2005/08/08: University of Hohenheim, Suttgart, Germany (scientific)
    "Spatial Data Analysis with GIS" - MSc module (TEMPUS program), 6 ECTS on doctoral study “Agricultural sciences", FAZ



Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Erozija i degradacija tala Hrvatske Croatian science foundation 2018/04/01 - 2023/03/31 coordinator
Biljno-uzgojne mjere za poboljšanje kakvoće proizvoda iz ekološke poljoprivrede MZOS 2007/01/01 - 2013/12/31 coordinator
Gnojidba dušikom prihvatljiva za okoliš MZOS 2007/01/01 - 2013/12/31 coordinator
Impact of Tillage and Fertilization on Probable Climate Threats in Hungary and Croatia, Soil Vulnerability and Protection Mađarski nacionalni ured za istraživanje I tehnologiju 2009/01/01 - 2011/01/01 partner


Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Monitoring poljoprivrednih tala i šumskog sustava National 2023/02/28 - 2024/12/15 partner
Izgradnja preduvjeta za primjenu viših razina metodologije Međuvladinog tijela o klimatskim promjenama (IPCC-a) u izračunu odliva/emisija stakleničkih plinova u sektoru Korištenja zemljišta, prenamjene zemljišta i šumarstva (LULUCF 3) EKONERG - institut za energetiku i zaštitu okoliša, d.o.o. 2020/06/15 - 2021/06/15 partner
Praćenje onečišćenja procijednih voda u 1. zoni zaštite vodocrpilišta Mala Mlaka u cilju provedbe Programa mjera sanacije unutar zona sanitarne zaštite izvorišta za postojeće građevine i postojeće djelatnosti za razdoblje 2016.-2019. Grad Zagreb 2017/01/01 - 2019/01/01 coordinator
Monitoring vode iz drenskih cijevi u 2018. godini Other 2018/07/06 - 2018/12/31 coordinator
Trajno motrenje ekosustava okoliša CPS Molve-2018 Other 2018/01/01 - 2018/12/15 coordinator
Postavljanje poljskog pokusa s ciljem istraživanja učinkovitosti naručiteljevih proizvoda u poljoprivredi Suradnja s gospodarstvom 2014/06/01 - 2018/06/01 coordinator
Održive mjere gospodarenje tlom u ekološkoj poljoprivredi za klimatske uvjete mediteranske poljoprivrede Ministarstvo poljoprivrede 2016/01/01 - 2018/01/01 coordinator
Monitoring vode iz drenskih cijevi u 2017. godini Other 2017/07/03 - 2017/12/31 coordinator
Trajno motrenje ekosustava okoliša CPS Molve-2017 Other 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/15 coordinator
Monitoring poljoprivrednih tala i šumskog ekosusutava na području CPS Molve Suradnja s tijelima uprave 2016/12/07 - 2017/12/15 coordinator
Gospodarenje tlom i klimatske promjene Suradnja s tijelima uprave 2015/12/11 - 2017/04/30 coordinator
Monitoring vode iz drenskih cijevi u 2016. godini Other 2016/07/06 - 2016/12/31 coordinator
Monitoring poljoprivrednih tala na području CPS Molve Other 2015/12/08 - 2016/12/15 coordinator
Istraživanje učinkovitosti fosfornih i kalijevih gnojiva u poljoprivredi_Moslavka d.d. Suradnja s gospodarstvom 2012/10/16 - 2016/10/16 coordinator
Istraživanje učinkovitosti fosfornih i kalijevih gnojiva u poljoprivredi_PIK Vinkovci d.d. Suradnja s gospodarstvom 2012/09/28 - 2016/09/28 coordinator
Istraživanje učinkovitosti fosfornih i kalijevih gnojiva u poljoprivredi_Vupik Suradnja s gospodarstvom 2012/09/28 - 2016/09/28 coordinator
Monitoring vode iz drenskih cijevi u 2015. godini Other 2015/06/29 - 2015/12/31 coordinator
Istraživanje utjecaja gnojidbe dušikom u različitim vremenima primjene kao i u različitim količinama na prinos_Vupik Suradnja s gospodarstvom 2013/12/17 - 2015/12/31 coordinator
Monitoring poljoprivrednih tala na području CPS Molve Other 2015/01/30 - 2015/12/15 coordinator
Monitoring vode iz drenskih cijevi u 2014. godini Suradnja s gospodarstvom 2014/09/01 - 2014/12/31 coordinator
Monitoring poljoprivrednih tala na području utjecaja CPS Molve Suradnja s gospodarstvom 2014/01/08 - 2014/12/31 coordinator
Utjecaj različitih načina korištenja tla na klimatske promjene Suradnja s tijelima uprave 2011/07/11 - 2014/12/31 coordinator
Monitoring vode iz drenskih cijevi u 2013. godini Suradnja s gospodarstvom 2013/07/13 - 2013/12/31 coordinator
Izrada poluautomatske kružne traktorske sonde za mehaničko i precizno uzrokovanje tla Poslovno-inovacijski centrar Hrvatske – Bicro d.o.o. i Sveučilište u Zagrebu (Ured za transfer tehnologije) 2011/01/01 - 2012/01/01 partner


Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Advancing agroecology in higher education of CASEE Countries CASEE Fund for Incentives 2024/05/27 - 2025/03/31 partner
GEOinformation educational resources for CLImate Change Management Erasmus+ 2022/01/15 - 2024/11/15 partner
Innovative curriculum in smart AGRIculture through SATellite and remote sensing data in SEA Erasmus+ 2021/01/15 - 2024/01/14 partner
Unapređenje stručne prakse na preddiplomskim i diplomskim studijima Agronomskog fakulteta Europski socijalni fond 2020/03/09 - 2023/03/09 coordinator

university support

Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Koncentracije Pt, Pd i Rh u zraku, tlu i vegetaciji grada Zagreba Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2018/01/01 - 2018/12/31 coordinator
Hiperspektralno snimanje kukuruza u svrhu procjene sadržaja ukupnog dušika i prinosa na razini lista i pokrova Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 coordinator
Bioremedijacija tla konopljom pri različitoj reakciji tla Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2016/01/01 - 2016/12/31 coordinator


  • Šoštarić, M., Zgorelec, Ž., Babić, D., Šestak, I., Kisić, I., Mesić, M. & Perčin, A. (2017) Radioactivity of selected agricultural soils in Croatia : effects of soil properties, soil management, and geological parameters. Water, air and soil pollution, 228, 6; 218-1. doi:10.1007/s11270-017-3398-1.
  • Šestak, I., Mesić, M., Zgorelec, Ž., Kisić, I. & Bašić, F. (2014) Winter wheat agronomic traits and nitrate leaching under variable nitrogen fertilization. Plant, Soil and Environment, 60, 9; 394-400.
  • Mesic, M., Birkas, M., Zgorelec, Z., Kisic, I., Sestak, I., Jurisic, A. & Husnjak, S. (2014) Soil Carbon Variability in some Hungarian and Croatian Soils. Soil Carbon / Hartemink, A.E. & McSweeney K. (ed.). Switzerland : Springer International Publishing, 419-426.
  • Jurišić, A., Mesić, M., Šestak, I. & Zgorelec, Ž. (2013) Horizontal and vertical nitrate-nitrogen distribution under different nitrogen fertilization levels. Novenytermeles/Crop production, 62, Supplement; 29-32.
  • Mesić, M., Bogunović, I., Jurišić, A., Bilandžija, D. & Šestak, I. (2013) Soil Sampling with New Soil Sampling Probe. Novenytermeles/Crop production, 62, Supplement; 225-228.
  • Šestak, I., Bilandžija, D., Mesić, M. & Gajić-Čapka, M. (2012) Evaluation of climate conditions with possible influence on agricultural practices in Croatia. Impact of tillage and fertilization on probable climate threats in Hungary and Croatia, soil vulnerability and protection / Birkas, M. & Mesić, M. (ed.). Godollo : Szent Istvan University Press, 25-36.

Bibliography (CROSBI):

Google Scholar:

Other professional activities

  • 2012 - : Member of Croatian Agrometeorological Society
  • 2005 - : Member of Croatian Society of Soil Science

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