Assoc. Prof. Josip Juračak, PhD
Associate Professor
Division for Agroeconomy and Informatics
Department of Management and Rural Entrepreneurship
Office location: Pavilion V., 2nd floor, room 045
Phone: +385 1 239 3758
Email: jjuracak ( at )
Languages: croatian, english
Consultations: Thursday, 10-12
Academic qualifications
- 2006 - 2013: University specialisation
Univ. spec., MBA, Field of the specialisation: management in agribusiness; University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture - 2002 - 2002: Ph.D.
Ph.D. in biotechnical sciences; Research field: agrieconomics; University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture - 1993 - 1996: M.Sc.
M.Sc. in economics; Major: Business organisation and management; Faculty of Economics, Zagreb - 1986 - 1990: M.Sc.
M.Sc. in agrieconomics; University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Employment and work experience
- 2013 - 2017: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Assistant professor - 2006 - 2012: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Vice dean - 2005 - 2006: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Assistant professor - 2002 - 2005: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Senior assistant - 1992 - 2002: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
Fellow researcher, Assistant
- Ekonomija rada u poljoprivredi (26176)
- Ekonomika i organizacija proizvodnje u poljoprivredi (26177)
- Menadžment malih i srednjih poduzeća u agrobiznisu (144068)
- Operacijska istraživanja u agrobiznisu (26340)
- Upravljanje ljudskim resursima u agrobiznisu (185471)
- Opskrbni lanci u agrobiznisu (185476)
- Metode i praksa menadžmenta u poljoprivredi (194797)
Research interests
- Farm management
- Management of small and medium enterprises
- Rural development
- Quantitative methods for management
- Agribusiness entrepreneurship
Training and research experience
- 2015/09/13 - 2017/09/16: Univerza v Ljubljani Biotehniška fakulteta (mixed)
Communication and ways/methods of knowledge transfer - 2005/04/24 - 2005/04/30: Janeda Institute, Estonia (expert)
Developing and Implementing Farm Accountancy Data Network, USAID World Learning Participant Training Program - 2000/08/20 - 2000/09/09: Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Austria (scientific)
Internationaler Universitätslehrgang Agrarmarketing und Ernährungswirtschaft
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Zaslanjivanje tla - dijagnostika, procesi i utjecaj na biljku | MZOS | 2007/01/01 - 2013/12/31 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Online sustav za sastavljanje krmnih smjesa | VIP - Vijeće za istraživanja u poljoprivredi | 2016/06/30 - 2018/06/30 | coordinator |
Organski malčevi u održivoj proizvodnji salate | VIP - Vijeće za istraživanja u poljoprivredi | 2004/09/13 - 2006/11/30 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Boosting Excellence in Experimental Research for Agri-Food Economics and Management | Horizon 2020 | 2020/10/01 - 2023/09/30 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Innovative curriculum in smart AGRIculture through SATellite and remote sensing data in SEA | Erasmus+ | 2021/01/15 - 2024/01/14 | partner |
university support
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Strukturna obilježja poslovanja poljoprivrednih gospodarstava u Hrvatskoj | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 | coordinator |
Uspješnost poslovnih subjekata u agrobiznisu s obzirom na lokaciju, veličinu i tip proizvodnje | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2016/01/01 - 2016/12/31 | coordinator |
Bibliography (CROSBI):
Google Scholar:
Other professional activities
- 2015 - 2018: AGRIMBA
Member of the Executive Board of AGRIMBA, ICA Standing Committee, International network of MBA studies - 2008 - 2018: Apstract (Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce)
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal