Ivan Brandić, PhD
Division of Agricultural Engineering
Department of Sustainable Technologies and Renewable Energy Sources
Phone: +385 1 239 3627
Email: ibrandic ( at ) agr.hr
- Izabrana poglavlja procesne tehnike (144530)
- Tehnologija dorade i skladištenja cvijeća (144498)
- Tehnika proizvodnje hrane za životinje (144506)
- Ekološki postupci u doradi i skladištenju ratarskih proizvoda (144413)
- Posliježetvena tehnologija (143818)
- Sustav održivog čuvanja biomase (269555)
- Agrorobotika (269570)
- Post harvest technology (152081)
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Zero food waste education of "Z" generation of European citizens | Erasmus+ | 2021/11/01 - 2024/11/01 | coordinator |
- Brandić I., Voća N., Leto J., Bilandžija N. (2024). Modelling the Yield and Estimating the Energy Properties of Miscanthus x Giganteus in Different Harvest Periods. AgriEngineering 6 (1): 423–437. doi:10.3390/agriengineering6010026
- Brandić I., Pezo L., Voća N., Leto J., Šurić J., Peter A., Bilandžija N. (2024). Assessing the properties of Miscanthus x giganteus under varying levels of ash fertilization treatment and regression neural network insight into calorific value. Thermal Science.
- Brandić I., Antonović A., Pezo L., Matin B., Krička T., Jurišić V., Špelić K., Kontek M., Kukuruzović J., Grubor M., Matin A. (2023). Energy potentials of agricultural biomass and the possibility of modelling using RFR and SVM models. Energies 16 (2): 690. doi:10.3390/en16020690
- Brandić I., Pezo L., Bilandžija N., Peter A., Šurić J., Voća N. (2023). Comparison of Different Machine Learning Models for Modelling the Higher Heating Value of Biomass. Mathematics 11 (9). doi:10.3390/math11092098
- Brandić I., Pezo L., Bilandžija N., Peter A., Šurić J., Voća N. (2022). Artificial Neural Network as a Tool for Estimation of the Higher Heating Value of Miscanthus Based on Ultimate Analysis. Mathematics 10 (20): 1–12. doi:10.3390/math10203732
- Brandić I., Voća N., Gunjača J., Lončar B., Bilandžija N., Peter A., Šurić J., Pezo L. (2024). Biomass higher heating value prediction machine learning insights into ultimate, proximate, and structural analysis datasets. Energy Sources, Part A Recover Util Environ Eff 46 (1): 2842–2854. doi:10.1080/15567036.2024.2309303
Bibliography (CROSBI): https://www.croris.hr/osobe/profil/39937
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Am8KUc4AAAAJ&hl=hr&oi=ao