Prof. Ivan Vnučec, PhD

Prof. Ivan Vnučec, PhD

Division for Animal Sciences
Department of Animal Science and Technology
Office location: 2nd pavillion, 2nd floor, room nnumber 053
Phone: +385 1 239 4036
Email: ivnucec ( at )
Languages: Croatian, English

Academic qualifications

  • 2004 - 2011: Ph.D.
    Carcass characteristics and meat quality of lambs from diverse production systems
  • 1997 - 2003: B.Sc.
    Cage rearing of young hens on farm "Agrokoka" Hrvatski Leskovac

Employment and work experience

  • 2014 - : University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
    Assistant professor
  • 2011 - 2014: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
    Senior assistant
  • 2004 - 2011: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture


Research interests

  • Technologies of breeding sheep and goats
  • Protection and conservation of Croatian local sheep and goat breeds and their products
  • Sheep/lamb meat production
  • Management of reproduction in sheep breeding

Training and research experience

  • 2006/12/06 - 2006/12/16: Zhejiang University, College of Life Sciences, Hangzhou – China (scientific)
    Scientist exchange within the project "Genetic characterisation of the Croatian sheep breed based on microsatellite and mtDNA data".



Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Genetske i fenotipske odlike izvornih hrvatskih pasmina ovaca MZOS 2007/01/01 - 2013/12/31 coordinator
Mesne odlike hrvatskih pasmina ovaca MZOS 2007/01/01 - 2013/12/31 coordinator


Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Izrada tehnološkog projekta farme mliječnih koza i bivolica te mini-sirane Suradnja s gospodarstvom 2020/10/19 - 2021/10/19 coordinator


Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Unapređenje stručne prakse na preddiplomskim i diplomskim studijima Agronomskog fakulteta Europski socijalni fond 2020/03/09 - 2023/03/09 coordinator

university support

Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Karakterizacija i uskladba genotipa, fenotipa i tehnologija proizvodnje Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 coordinator
Karakterizacija proizvodnih i genetskih odlika domaćih životinja u Republici Hrvatskoj Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2016/01/01 - 2016/12/31 coordinator
Valorizacija fenotipa i genotipa hrvatskih autohtonih pasmina domaćih životinja Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2015/01/01 - 2015/12/31 coordinator
Procjena uzgojnih vrijednosti za svojstva kakvoće mesa Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2014/01/01 - 2014/12/31 coordinator


  • Vnučec, I., Držaić, V., Mioč, B., Prpić, Z., Antunović, Z. & Kegalj, A. (2016) Effect of sex on meat chemical composition and fatty acid composition in suckling Pag sheep lambs. Veterinarski arhiv, 86 (2), 217-227.
  • Krvavica, Marina, Vnučec, Ivan, Bradaš, Milijana, Jug, Tjaša, Đugum, Jelena, Marušić Radovčić, Nives (2015) Meat volatiles of Pag lamb (in Croatian). Meso : prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu, 17 (5), 435-443.
  • Vnučec, I., Držaić, V., Mioč, B., Prpić, Z., Pavić, V. & Antunović, Z. (2014) Carcass traits and meat colour of lambs from diverse production systems. Veterinarski arhiv, 84 (3), 251-263.
  • Vnučec, I., Mioč, B., Prpić, Z. & Pavić, V. (2012) The effect of sex on slaughter triats and meat quality of Istrian sheep lambs (in Croatian). Stočarstvo : časopis za unapređenje stočarstva, 66 (3), 187-200.
  • Mioč, B., Vnučec, I., Prpić, Z., Pavić, V., Antunović, Z. & Barać, Z. (2009) Effect of breed on mineral composition of meat from light lambs. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 8 (Suppl. 3), 273-275.
  • Mioč, B., Pavić, V., Vnučec, I., Prpić, Z., Kostelić, A. & Sušić, V. (2007) Effect of olive cake on daily gain, carcass characteristics and chemical composition of lamb meat. Czech Journal of Animal Science, 52 (2), 31-36.

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