Asst. Prof. Marina Bubalo Kovačić, PhD
![Asst. Prof. Marina Bubalo Kovačić, PhD](
Assistant Professor
Division for Agroecology
Department of Soil Amelioration
Office location: 5th Pavilion, 2nd floor, room number 025
Phone: +385 1 239 3750
Email: mbubalo ( at )
Languages: croatian, english, german, spanish
Consultations: monday from 10am to 12am
Academic qualifications
- 2011 - 2016: Ph.D. Civil engineering, Hydraulics
Model for nitrate concentrations prediction in groundwater under agricultural impact - 2008 - 2010: M.Sc. civil engineering
Sedimentastion tank efficiency analysis by varying supply channel geoetry - 2005 - 2008: B.Sc. civil engineering
Employment and work experience
- 2016 - : University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
postdoctoral researcher - 2011 - 2016: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
- Hidrotehnika u poljoprivredi (144542)
- Odvodnja (144540)
- Gospodarenje tlom i vodom za održivu poljoprivredu (173771)
- Poljoprivredne melioracije (143877)
- Uređivanje voda (238601)
- Uređivanje proizvodnih površina (169238)
- Izvođenje melioracijskih sustava (169243)
- Poljoprivredno inženjerstvo (144531)
- Korištenje i zaštita voda (144081)
- Programiranje i projektiranje sustava navodnjavanja (144457)
- Hidraulički i pneumatski sustavi u poljoprivredi (211292)
- Uvod u geoinformacije za klimatski otpornu poljoprivredu (268860)
- Navodnjavanje: strategije i tehnike za klimatski otpornu poljoprivredu (268850)
- Hydrology and water resources (146033)
- Water management in agriculture (146053)
- Regulation of Water (152093)
Research interests
- water use and protection
- water quality
- soil and groundwater pollution
- different aspects of water use in agricultural production
Training and research experience
- 2015/03/25 - 2015/03/27: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture (expert)
participation in the Campbell Scientific workshop on sensor application for climate and environment research and other applications - 2013/11/17 - 2013/12/18: Catalan Institute for Water Research (mixed)
participation in scientific-expert project on groundwater pollution in Baix Emoprada (Spain) - 2013/03/17 - 2013/03/22: Umwelt Geräte Technik (mixed)
participation in the international scientific-practical workshop `Lysimeter-Sapflow Workshop` - 2011/11/16 - 2011/11/30: Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek (ILVO) (expert)
training within the joint international project CROCAN on the topic of soil sampling control and laboratory analysis
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Napredni sustav motrenja agroekosustava u riziku od zaslanjivanja i onečišćenja | EU programi | 2020/01/01 - 2023/01/01 | coordinator |
Primjena pepela iz biomase radi unaprjeđenja poljoprivredne proizvodnje i plodnosti tala | National | 2019/11/30 - 2020/11/30 | coordinator |
Zaslanjivanje tla - dijagnostika, procesi i utjecaj na biljku | MZOS | 2007/01/01 - 2013/12/31 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
GEOinformation educational resources for CLImate Change Management | Erasmus+ | 2022/01/15 - 2024/11/15 | partner |
International University Cooperation on Land Protection In European-Asiatic Countries | Erasmus+ | 2015/11/02 - 2018/11/02 | partner |
university support
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Utjecaj malčiranja i navodnjavanja kapanjem na tok vode i dinamiku nitrata u krškim uvjetima: primjena numeričkog modeliranja | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2015/01/01 - 2015/12/31 | coordinator |
- Filipović, V., Petošić, D., Nakić, Z., Mustać, I., Ružičić, S., Zovko, M., Bubalo, M. (2012): Identifying spatial and temporal variation of nitrate concentration in shallow groundwater aquifer. // Journal of food agriculture & environment. 10 (2012) , 3/4; 1001-1004
- Šimunić, I., Cvetković, D., Senta Marić, A., Tomić, F., Jurišić, A., Bubalo, M., Filipović V., Zovko, M. (2012):he impact of pipe spacing on drain outflow, nitrate flush and rapeseed yield. // Croatian Waters. 20, 82; 189-200
- Bubalo, M., Romić, D., Kuspilić, N., Filipović, V. (2013): Application of field lysimeters in groundwater pollution assessment // 3rd International Conference Waters in Sensitive & Protected areas / Nakić, Zoran ; Rubinić, Josip (Eds.). Zagreb : Croatian Water Pollution Control Society, 34-38
- Bubalo, M., Romić, D., Kuspilić, N., Zovko, M. (2014): Annual drainage volumes and nitrate-nitrogen leaching under silage maize in wet and dry year. // Contemporary Agriculture. 63 , 3; 232-238
- Bubalo, M.; Romić, D.; Zovko, M.; Kuspilić, N. (2014): Agricultural Impact on Groundwater Vulnerability to Nitrate in Northern Croatia. // Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus. 79 (2014) ; 23-29
- Bubalo, M. (2016): Model for nitrate concentrations prediction in groundwater under agricultural impact , Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb
Bibliography (CROSBI):
Other professional activities
- 2015 - : Croatian Soil Society
member - 2015 - : Croatian Water Pollution Control Society
member - 2017 - : 10th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference
member of Local Organising Committee