Tena Radočaj, MSc. agr.
Division for Animal Sciences
Department of Fisheries, Apiculture, Wildlife management and special Zoology
Office location: Building J, end of the hall
Phone: +385 1 239 3860
Email: tradocaj ( at ) agr.hr
Languages: English; Croatian
Academic qualifications
- 2018:
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science
Ms study: Ecology and environmental protection, inland waters - 2016 - 2018: Master's degree of fisheries and game management (mag. ing. agr.)
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture
Ms study: Fisheries and Game Management
Employment and work experience
- 2019 - : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agrculture
- Agrarna zoologija (26579)
- Ihtiologija (26629)
- Limnologija i oceanologija (144567)
- Biodiverzitet Jadrana i kopnenih voda (143882)
- Ribolov (169511)
- Osnove agrarne zoologije (26687)
- Ribarstvo (26430)
- Proizvodnja biogoriva iz akvakulture i ribarstva (269571)
- Procjena ribljeg stoka (246750)
- Agrarna zoologija (275653)
- Aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity (146061)
- Ichthyology (152086)
- Limnology and Oceanology (152089)
- Caninology: biology, ecology and breeding of dogs (197695)
- New technologies in aquaculture (251088)
Research interests
- Inland waters
- Zoology
Training and research experience
- 2021/08/17 - 2021/08/18: University of Life Sciences, Poznań, Poland (scientific)
Parasites of Freshwater mussels training school
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Upravljanje vlažnim staništima razvojem sustava integriranog multisenzornog monitoringa | EU programi | 2020/08/17 - 2023/08/17 | partner |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Educational Capacity Strengthening for Risk Management of Non-native Aquatic Species in Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro) | Erasmus+ | 2020/10/01 - 2022/10/31 | partner |
- Radočaj, T., Špelić, I., Vilizzi, L., Povž, M., & Piria, M. (2021). Identifying threats from introduced and translocated non-native freshwater fishes in Croatia and Slovenia under current and future climatic conditions. Global Ecology and Conservation, 27, e01520.
Bibliography (CROSBI): https://www.bib.irb.hr/pregled/profil/721