Prof. Zlatko Šatović, PhD
Full Professor
Division for Plant Sciences
Department of Plant Biodiversity
Office location: 2nd Pavilion, 3rd floor
Phone: +385 1 239 3935
Email: zsatovic ( at )
Languages: croatian, english, spanish
Consultations: tuesday from 12am to 2pm
Academic qualifications
- 1995 - 1999: Ph.D.
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture; Genetic map of narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) - 1992 - 1995: M.Sc.
C.I.H.E.A.M.-I.A.M.Z., Zaragoza, Spain; Mapping of morphological and molecular markers in Vicia faba applied in breeding - 1985 - 1990: B.Sc.
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture; Characterization and evaluation of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) populations
Employment and work experience
- 1990 - : University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture
1990-1992: expert associate
1992-2000: assistant
2000-2000: senior assistant
2000-2003: assistant professor
2003-2007: professor
2007-2012: full professor
2012-now: full professor - permanent position
- Molekularno oplemenjivanje bilja (134058)
- Očuvanje biljnih genetskih izvora (144328)
- Kvantitativna genetika u biljnim znanostima (144334)
- Analiza molekularne raznolikosti i filogenetika (173288)
- Primijenjena multivarijatna analiza (173832)
- Sustav znanstveno-istraživačkog rada (173845)
- Molekularna raznolikost i evolucija (26667)
- Planiranje i statistička analiza eksperimenata u poljoprivrednim znanostima (228731)
- Molecular Diversity and Evolution (152091)
Teaching outside the AGR
- Phylogeny and Molecular Systematics
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science - Genetic Diversity Analysis
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science
Research interests
- Molecular Diversity Analysis and Phylogenetics
- Plant Genetic Resouces Conservation
- Molecular Plant Breeding
- Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Training and research experience
- 2001/05/04 - 2001/07/01: E.T.S.I.A.M., Universidad de Córdoba, Spain (scientific)
Statistical genomics: Gene mapping and QTL analysis - 1999/10/17 - 2000/01/16: E.T.S.I.A.M., Universidad de Córdoba, Spain (scientific)
Statistical genomics: Gene mapping and QTL analysis - 1996/08/18 - 1996/05/10: Cornell University, Geneva NY, USA (scientific)
Statistical genomics: Gene mapping and QTL analysis - 1996/02/13 - 1996/05/10: E.T.S.I.A.M., Universidad de Córdoba, Spain (scientific)
Statistical genomics: Gene mapping and QTL analysis
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Očuvanje, održivo korištenje i razvoj genetskih izvora u poljoprivredi | Europski poljoprivredni fond za ruralni razvoj, strukturni fond | 2024/05/16 - 2024/12/31 | coordinator |
Očuvanje, održivo korištenje i razvoj genetskih izvora u poljoprivredi | Europski poljoprivredni fond za ruralni razvoj 85%, Republika Hrvatska 15% | 2018/01/01 - 2021/12/31 | coordinator |
university support
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Upotreba mikrosatelitnih biljega kod bosiljka i dalmatinskog buhača | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 | coordinator |
Razvitak i upotreba mikrosatelitnih biljega za bosiljak i dalmatinski buhač | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2016/01/01 - 2016/12/31 | coordinator |
Razvitak mikrosatelitnih biljega upotrebom različitih pristupa: genomne knjižnice, sekvence EST i sekvenciranje sljedeće generacije | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2015/01/01 - 2015/12/31 | coordinator |
Razvoj novih molekularnih biljega i njihova upotreba u identifikaciji kultivara i populacijskoj genetici | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2014/01/01 - 2014/12/31 | coordinator |
- Carović-Stanko, K., Liber, Z., Vidak, M., Barešić, A., Grdiša, M., Lazarević, B., Šatović, Z. (2017) Genetic Diversity of Croatian Common Bean Landraces. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 604-1. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.00604.
- Novoselović, D., Bentley, A., Šimek, R., Dvojković, K., Sorrells, M., Gosman, N., Horsnell, R., Drezner, G. & Šatović, Z. (2016) Characterizing Croatian Wheat Germplasm Diversity and Structure in a European Context by DArT Markers. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 184-1. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.00184.
- Rešetnik, I., Baričević, D., Batîr Rusu, D., Carović-Stanko, K., Chatzopoulou, P., Dajić-Stevanović, Z., Gonceariuc, M., Grdiša, M., Greguraš, D., Ibraliu, A., Jug- Dujaković, M., Krasniqi, E., Liber, Z., Murtić, S., Pećanac, D., Radosavljević, I., Stefkov, G., Stešević, D., Šoštarić, I. & Šatović, Z. (2016) Genetic diversity and demographic history of wild and cultivated/naturalised plant populations: evidence from Dalmatian Sage (Salvia officinalis L., Lamiaceae). PLoS One, 11 (7), e0159545-e0159545. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159545.
- Grdiša, M., Liber, Z., Radosavljević, I., Carović-Stanko, K., Kolak, I. & Satovic Zlatko (2014) Genetic Diversity and Structure of Dalmatian Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium Trevir. /Sch./ Bip., Asteraceae) within the Balkan Refugium. PLoS One, 9 (8). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0105265.
- Šatović, Z., Ávila, C., Cruz-Izquierdo, S., Díaz-Ruíz, R., Garcia-Ruíz, G., Palomino, Carmen, Gutíerrez, Natalia, Vitale, S., Ocaña-Moral, S., Gutíerrez, M., Cubero, J. & Torres, A. (2013) A reference consensus genetic map for molecular markers and economically important traits in faba bean (Vicia faba L.). Bmc genomics, 14 (12), 932-932. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-932.
- Belaj, A., Domiguez-García, M., Atienza, S., Martín Urdíroz, N., de la Rosa, R., Šatović, Z., Martín, A., Kilian, A., Trujillo, I., Valpuesta, V. & del Río, C. (2012) Developing a core collection of olive (Olea europaea L) based on molecular markers (DArTs, SSRs, SNPs) and agronomic traits. Tree genetics & genomes, 8 (2), 365-378. doi:10.1007/s11295-011-0447-6.
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Other professional activities
- 2015 - : Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity and Molecular Plant Breeding (CoE CroP-BioDiv)
Leader - 2011 - : Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS)