Prof. Hrvoje Šarčević, PhD
Full Professor
Division for Plant Sciences
Department of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biometrics
Office location: 6th Pavilion, 3rd floor, room number 306
Phone: +385 1 239 3937
Email: hsarcevic ( at )
Languages: croatian, english
Consultations: wednesday from 10am to 12am
Academic qualifications
- 1999 - 2003: Ph.D.
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Genetic changes in the M3S population of maize (Zea mays L.) under recurrent selection - 1994 - 1998: M.Sc.
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Investigation of dormancy and sprouting in the ear in wheat (Tr. aestivum L.) - 1984 - 1991: B.Sc.
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Estimation of vernalization requirements in wheat (Tr. aestivum L.)
Employment and work experience
- 1994 - : Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
2019 - today: Full professor with tenure
2013 - 2019: Full professor
2009 - 2013: Associate professor
2005 - 2009: Assistant professor
2003 - 2005: Postdoctoral researcher
1999 - 2003: Young researcher, Ph.D. student
1994 -1999: Young researcher - 1991 - 1991: Company "Mednik" Županja
Production of field crops
- Molekularno oplemenjivanje bilja (134058)
- Oplemenjivanje vrtlarskih kultura (144320)
- Kvantitativna genetika u biljnim znanostima (144334)
- Populacijska genetika u oplemenjivanju bilja (144319)
- Genetika u oplemenjivanju bilja (173770)
- Molekularne metode u oplemenjivanju bilja (173808)
- Populacijska i kvantitativna genetika u oplemenjivanju bilja (173826)
- Oplemenjivanje na otpornost na štetočinje i abiotske stresove (144321)
- Biljna genetika (144318)
- Genetika (64674)
- Genetika (211378)
- Fenotipizacija poljoprivrednih kultura (228728)
Research interests
- Genetics and breeding of wheat and maize
- Recurrent selection in maize
- Drought resistance in maize and soybean
- Application of molecular markers in plant breeding
- Population genetics
Training and research experience
- 2019/03/18 - 2019/03/29: NIAB, Cambridge, United Kingdom (scientific)
International training course "Quantitative methods in plant breeding" - 2010/09/13 - 2010/09/24: University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland (scientific)
Regional Training Course on Use of Induced Mutations (TILLING) and DNA Markers in Cereal Genetics and Breeding - 2007/08/27 - 2007/09/07: Nordic Gene Bank, Alnarp, Sweden (scientific)
Gene bank management and operation course - 2006/08/16 - 2006/08/31: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Beč, Austria (teaching)
TEMPUS projekt D-JEP 17108-2002 Reform of Agricultural Studies in Croatia (RASC) - 2004/10/18 - 2004/11/18: University of Hohenheim, Hohenheim, Germany (teaching)
TEMPUS projekt D-JEP 17108-2002 Reform of Agricultural Studies in Croatia (RASC) - 2004/05/24 - 2004/06/11: North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA (scientific)
Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics - 2002/05/27 - 2002/06/07: Agricultural Research Institut of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Martonvasar, Hungary (scientific)
International training course "Theoretical and practical aspects of molecular breeding in cereals"
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Očuvanje, održivo korištenje i razvoj genetskih izvora u poljoprivredi | Europski poljoprivredni fond za ruralni razvoj, strukturni fond | 2024/05/16 - 2024/12/31 | coordinator |
Očuvanje, održivo korištenje i razvoj genetskih izvora u poljoprivredi | Europski poljoprivredni fond za ruralni razvoj 85%, Republika Hrvatska 15% | 2018/01/01 - 2021/12/31 | coordinator |
university support
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Morfološka i molekularna karakterizacija germplazme ratarskih kultura | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 | coordinator |
Molekularna karakterizacija germplazme ratarskih kultura | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2016/01/01 - 2016/12/31 | coordinator |
Proučavanje variabilnosti germplazme pšenice, trešnje i rogača na fenotipskoj i molekularnoj razini | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2015/01/01 - 2015/12/31 | coordinator |
Proučavanje varijabilnosti i nasljeđivanja gospodarski važnih svojstava u oplemenjivačkim populacijama poljoprivrednog bilja korištenjem klasičnih i molekularno-genetičkih metoda | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2014/01/01 - 2014/12/31 | coordinator |
Primjena molekularno-genetičkih metoda u analizi agrobioraznolikosti i oplemenjivanju poljoprivrednog bilja | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2013/10/01 - 2014/06/30 | coordinator |
- Žulj Mihaljević, M., Šarčević, H., Lovrić, A., Andrijanić, Z., Sudarić, A., Jukić, G., Pejić, I. (2020) Genetic diversity of European commercial soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] germplasm revealed by SSR markers. Genetic resources and crop evolution, 67, 1587-1600. doi:https://.org/10.1007/s10722-020-00934-3.
Kurasch, A.K., Hahn, V., Leiser, W.L., Vollmann, J., Schori, A., Betrix, C.A., Mayr, B., Winkler, J., Mechtler, K., Aper, J., Sudarić, A., Pejić, I., Šarčević, H., Jeanson, P., Balko, C., Signor, M., Miceli, F., Strijk, P., Rietman, H., Muresanu, E., Djordjevic, V., Pospišil, A., Barion, G., Weigold, P., Streng, S., Kroen, M. & Wuerschum, T. (2017) Identification of mega-environments in Europe and effect of allelic variation at maturity E loci on adaptation of European soybean. Plant cell and environment, 40 (5), 765-778. doi:10.1111/pce.12896
Šarčević, H., Jukić, K., Ikić, I. & Lovrić, A. (2014) Estimation of quantitative genetic parameters for grain yield and quality in winter wheat under high and low nitrogen fertilization. Euphytica, 199 (1), 57-67. doi:10.1007/s10681-014-1154-9
Šarčević, H., Gunjača, J., Budimir, A., Boić M., Bolarić, S., Bukan, M., Lewis, R.S. & Kozumplik, V. (2013) Long-term genetic Improvement and genetic diversity of Croatian flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cultivars. Crop Science 53 (1), 112-120. doi:10.2135/cropsci2012.03.0173
Ikić, I, Maričević, M, Tomasović, S, Gunjača, J, Šatović, Z. & Šarčević, H. (2012) The effect of germination temperature on seed dormancy in Croatian-grown winter wheats. Euphytica 188 (1), 25-34. doi: 10.1007/s10681-012-0735-8
Gunjaca, J., Buhinicek, I., Jukic, M., Sarcevic, H., Vragolovic, A., Kozic, Z., Jambrovic, A. & Pejic I. (2008) Discriminating maize inbred lines using molecular and DUS data. Euphytica 161 (1-2), 165-172. doi: 10.1007/s10681-007-9518-z
Bibliography (CROSBI):
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Other professional activities
- 2015 - 2019: Croatian Genetic Society
President - 2007 - 2020: Committee for Plant Genetic Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Croatia
Member - 2007 - 2020: European Association for Research on Plant Breeding (EUCARPIA)
Member - 2003 - 2020: Croatian Genetic Society