Assoc. Prof. Monika Zovko, PhD
Associate Professor
Division for Agroecology
Department of Soil Amelioration
Office location: 5th Pavilion, 2nd floor, Room number 033
Phone: +385 1 239 3749
Email: mzovko ( at )
Languages: croatian, english
Consultations: monday from 9am to 11am
Academic qualifications
- 2007 - 2015: PhD
University of Zagreb Faculty of agriculture - 1999 - 2005:
University of Zagreb Faculty of agriculture
Employment and work experience
- 2016 - : University of Zagreb Faculty of agriculture
Assistant professor - 2015 - 2016: University of Zagreb Faculty of agriculture
Postdoctoral - 2008 - 2015: University of Zagreb Faculty of agriculture
- Laboratorijske metode i upravljanje podacima (116618)
- Gospodarenje tlom i vodom za održivu poljoprivredu (173771)
- Istraživanja i predviđanja kakvoće voda u poljoprivrednim prostorima (173773)
- Melioracije u poljoprivredi (143828)
- Poljoprivredne melioracije (143877)
- Navodnjavanje (144047)
- Uređivanje voda (238601)
- Izvođenje melioracijskih sustava (169243)
- Biogeokemija metala u tlu (144098)
- Korištenje i zaštita voda (144081)
- Programiranje i projektiranje sustava navodnjavanja (144457)
- Uvod u geoinformacije za klimatski otpornu poljoprivredu (268860)
- Navodnjavanje: strategije i tehnike za klimatski otpornu poljoprivredu (268850)
- Analytical chemistry and laboratory methods (146024)
- Use and conservation of water resources (157664)
- Spatial analysis and GIS (146052)
- Regulation of Water (152093)
- Biogeochemistry of metals in soil (152100)
- Smart AgroTech: Data-Driven Agriculture (269537)
Research interests
- Water quality monitroing and water protection within agri-environment
- assessment and monitoring of soil degradation
- Technological developments in respect of irrigation
- Quality control in analytical laboratory
Training and research experience
- 2017/08/22 - 2017/08/28: University of natural resources and life sciences, Vienna (scientific)
Introduction to the method for continuous tracking of physiological consequences caused by draught, based on high-frequency ultrasonic (i.e. acoustic) senzors - 2015/11/18 - 2015/11/20: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary (expert)
EUROPEAN FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE WATER SECTOR - 2013/03/16 - 2013/03/22: CRA-SCA Dry land and cropping systems reserch unit - Bari (scientific)
Application of multivariate geostatistics in soil salinity risk assessment - 2012/06/27 - 2012/07/26: Univesrity of Molise, Italy (scientific)
Application of Vis-NIR-SWIR spectroscopy for soil salinity assessment - 2011/09/19 - 2011/09/24: University of natural resources and life sciences, Vienna (mixed)
Erasmus Programme - 2011/07/10 - 2011/07/15: University of Ferrara, Department of Earth Sciences (expert)
Transnational integrated management of water resources in agriculture for the EU WATER emergency control - 2011/06/20 - 2011/06/25: EURAC - Europena Academy Bozen (scientific)
Applied bayesian Statistics School on Hierachical Modling for environmental processes
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Napredna i prediktivna poljoprivreda za otpornost klimatskim promjenama | EU programi | 2020/05/22 - 2023/05/22 | partner |
Napredni sustav motrenja agroekosustava u riziku od zaslanjivanja i onečišćenja | EU programi | 2020/01/01 - 2023/01/01 | coordinator |
Napredni senzorski sustavi za precizno navodnjavanje u krškom krajobrazu | Croatian science foundation | 2017/03/01 - 2021/02/28 | partner |
Primjena pepela iz biomase radi unaprjeđenja poljoprivredne proizvodnje i plodnosti tala | National | 2019/11/30 - 2020/11/30 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Uzgoj lisnatog povrća sustavom plutajućih kontejnera | Suradnja s tijelima uprave | 2006/12/15 - 2008/11/30 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
GEOinformation educational resources for CLImate Change Management | Erasmus+ | 2022/01/15 - 2024/11/15 | partner |
International University Cooperation on Land Protection In European-Asiatic Countries | Erasmus+ | 2015/11/02 - 2018/11/02 | partner |
university support
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Optimizacija rasporeda navodnjavanja određivanjem pedovarijabli | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 | coordinator |
Utjecaj malčiranja i navodnjavanja kapanjem na tok vode i dinamiku nitrata u krškim uvjetima: primjena numeričkog modeliranja | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2015/01/01 - 2015/12/31 | coordinator |
- Zovko, M., Žibrat, U., Knapič, M., Bubalo, M., Romić, M., Romić, D. (2017) Hyperspectral imagery as a supporting tool in precision irrigation of karst landscapes // Advances in Animal Biosciences: Precision Agriculture (ECPA) 2017 / Cledwyn, Thomas (ur.). Midlothian, Velika Britanija: Cambridge University Press, 578-582.
- Zovko, M. (2015)ASSESSMENT OF SALINITY RISK AND METAL MOBILITY IN COSTAL RIVERPLAIN AGRICULTURAL SOILS, doctoral thesis, University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
- Meriño-Gergichevich, C., Ondrasek, G., Zovko, M., Šamec, D., Alberdi, M., & Reyes-Díaz, M. (2015) Comparative study of methodologies to determine the antioxidant capacity of Al-toxified blueberry amended with calcium sulfate. Journal of soil science and plant nutrition, 15(4), 965-978. Epub October 18, 2015.
- Zovko, M., Romić, D., Romić, M., Ondrašek, G. (2013) Soil and Water Management for Sustained Agriculture in Alluvial Plains and Flood Plains Exposed to Salinity: A Case of Neretva River Valley // Ecophysiology and Responses of Plants under Salt Stress / Ahmad, Parvaiz ; Azoos, M.M. ; Prasad, M.N.V. (ur.).
New York: Springer, 473-494
Bibliography (CROSBI):
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Other professional activities
- 2007 - : The Croatian Society of Soil Ccience
Member - 2016 - : International Society of Precision Agriculture