Prof. Dinka Grubišić, PhD
Division for Phytomedicine
Department of Agricultural Zoology
Office location: 3rd Pavilion, ground floor, room number 009
Phone: +385 1 239 3967
Email: djelinic ( at )
Languages: Croatian, English
Consultations: Monday from 10am to 12pm
Academic qualifications
- 2002 - 2006: Ph.D.
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
"Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber, 1923) Behrens, 1975 (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) - the new species of nematofauna in The Republic of Croatia" - 1995 - 2001: M.Sc.
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
"The investigation of the entomofauna of the weed Abutilon theophrasti Med." - 1991 - 1995: B.Sc.
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture
"The influence of the sublethal dose on the insecticide effectiveness"
Employment and work experience
- 1996 - : University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Department for Agricultural Zoology
- Poljoprivredna zoologija (173820)
- Zoocidi (144060)
- Biljni virusi prenosivi vektorima (157184)
- Fitonematologija (144426)
- Specijalna zoologija (26738)
- Štetnici i bolesti ljekovitog i aromatičnog bilja (185496)
- Stručna praksa - Fitomedicina (250976)
- Zaštita uskladištenih poljoprivrednih proizvoda od štetočinja (157188)
- Zooekologija i sistematika (197020)
- Fauna tla (197049)
- Fitonematologija (197054)
- Akarologija (197055)
- Specijalna zoologija (197056)
- Plant pest management (146057)
- Zoocides (152074)
- Plant viruses transmitted by vectors (226416)
Research interests
- Plant parasitic nematodes, entomopathogenic nematodes, slug control in agriculture, agricultural zoology
Training and research experience
- 2002/05/21 - 2002/05/24: AGES-Institut für Phytomedizin, Vienna, Austria (scientific)
Identification of Globodera sp. pathotypes - 2002/04/08 - 2002/04/19: Wageningen University, Laboratory of Nematology, Wageningen, The Netherlands (scientific)
Taxonomic identification of nematodes - 2001/11/26 - 2001/11/28: AGES-Institut für Phytomedizin, Vienna, Austria (scientific)
Identification of Globodera sp. pathotypes - 1970/01/01 - : 1997. Foreign Disease – Weed Science Research Unit/USDA, Frederick, USA (scientific)
Biological control of weeds - 1970/01/01 - : 1997. Purdue University, Department of Entomology, West Lafayete, Indiana, USA (scientific)
Biological control of weeds - 1970/01/01 - : 1997. European Station-International Institute of Biological Control (IIBC), Delémont, Switzerland (scientific)
Biological control of weeds
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Monitoring rezistentnosti štetnika: nove metode detekcije i učinkovite strategije upravljanja rezistentnošću | Croatian science foundation | 2017/03/01 - 2021/02/28 | coordinator |
Analiza postojećih podatka o stranim vrstama organizama štetnih za bilje na poljoprivrednim površinama | EU programi | 2018/04/26 - 2018/10/26 | partner |
Enhancement of Collaboration between Science, Industry and Farmers: Technology Transfer for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Sugar Beet as the Way to Improve Farmer Income and Reduce Pesticide Use | IPA | 2013/03/15 - 2015/12/15 | coordinator |
Unaprjeđenja u tehnologiji uzgoja šećerne repe sukladno načelima integrirane zaštite od štetnika | Croatian science foundation | 2012/01/01 - 2015/01/01 | coordinator |
Integrirane mjere zaštite od tehnoloških štetnika jabuke | MZOS | 2007/01/01 - 2013/12/31 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Suzbijanje puževa u povrću primjenom parazitskih nematoda | VIP - Vijeće za istraživanja u poljoprivredi | 2008/12/01 - 2010/12/01 | coordinator |
Proizvodnja krumpira unatoč karantenskih nematoda | VIP - Vijeće za istraživanja u poljoprivredi | 2005/11/15 - 2007/11/15 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Unapređenje stručne prakse na preddiplomskim i diplomskim studijima Agronomskog fakulteta | Europski socijalni fond | 2020/03/09 - 2023/03/09 | coordinator |
Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Agriculture in Alps-Adriatic Region | EU programi | 2013/12/01 - 2016/11/30 | coordinator |
university support
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Biološka raznolikost u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 | coordinator |
Biološka raznolikost u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2016/01/01 - 2016/12/31 | partner |
Biološka raznolikost u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2015/01/01 - 2015/12/31 | coordinator |
Racionalizacija uporabe sredstava za zaštitu bilja u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2014/01/01 - 2014/12/31 | coordinator |
Nepesticidne mjere zaštite bilja | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2013/10/01 - 2014/06/30 | coordinator |
- Drmić, Z., Toth, M., Lemić, D., Grubišić, D., Pospišil, M., Bažok, R. (2017). Area-wide mass trapping by pheromone-based attractants for the control of sugar beet weevil (Bothynoderes punctiventris Germar, Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Pest management science, 73, 10, 2174-2183. doi:10.1002/ps.4601
- Benković Lačić, T.,Brmež, M., Pribetić, Đ., Grubišić, D., Benković, R. (2016). Biological diversity of nematode communities in conventional and organic olive farming. Applied ecology and environmental research, 142, 457-462. doi:10.15666/aeer/1402_457462
- Ostojić, I., Grubišić, D., Zovko, M., Miličević, T., Gotlin Čuljak, T. (2011). First report of the golden potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Plant disease, 95 , 7, 883-883.
- Benković-Lačić, T., Brmež, M., Ivezić, M., Raspudić, E., Pribetić, Đ., Lončarić, Z., Grubišić, D. (2013). Influence of organic and inorganic fertilizers on nematode communities in cornfield // Bulgarian journal of agricultural science, 19, 2, 235-240.
- Grubišić, D., Pajač Živković, I.,Gotlin Čuljak, T., Brmež, M.,; Benković-Lačić, T., Mešić A.(2013). First molecular detection of Croatian potato cyst nematode (PCN) populations using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Entomologia Croatica, 17, 1-4, 35-40.
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