Prof. Sandra Voća, PhD

Prof. Sandra Voća, PhD

Full Professor
Division of Agricultural Engineering
Department of Sustainable Technologies and Renewable Energy Sources
Office location: VI. pavilion, ground floor, room
Phone: +385 1 239 3779
Email: svoca ( at )
Languages: croatian, english
Consultations: wednesday from 12 pm to 14 pm

Academic qualifications

  • 1991 - 1996: Bsc
    Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb
    Nitrification and denitrification ammonical nitrogen in waste water from coke produce of with mix bacteriological cultures
  • - 2007: PhD
    Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
    Fruit quality of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa duch.) in different harvest time
  • - 2003: Msc
    Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
    Quality of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) during storage in polyethylene films

Employment and work experience

  • 1998 - : Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb; Department of Agricultural technology, storing and transport
    1998th to 2008th assistant; 2008th to 2012th Assistant Professor; 2012- 2017 Associate Professor; 2017 - 2022. Professor, 2022 nowadays Full Professor)
    Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb; Department of Agricultural Technology, Storage and Transport


Research interests

  • Technological methods of fruits and vegetables processing
  • Nutritional quality of fruits, vegetables and their products
  • Nutritional quality of subtropical vegetables and fruits
  • Non-invasive methods during food products processing
  • Bioactive compounds of fruits and vegetables

Training and research experience

  • 2010/06/01 - 2010/06/30: Novi Sad; Faculty of Agriculture (teaching)
    CEEPUS program – Novi Sad; Faculty of Agriculture



Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Nutritivna i funkcionalna vrijednost koprive (Urtica dioica L.) primjenom suvremenih hidroponskih tehnika uzgoja Croatian science foundation 2020/01/15 - 2024/01/14 coordinator
Hibridno sušenje i valorizacija biljnog prehrambenog otpada i nusproizvoda Croatian science foundation 2020/01/01 - 2023/12/31 partner
Bioraznolikost populacija samoniklog voća u Hrvatskoj MZOS 2007/01/01 - 2013/12/31 coordinator
Nutritivna vrijednost plodovitog i suptropskog povrća MZOS 2007/01/01 - 2013/12/31 coordinator


Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Uvođenje i razvoj ekološke proizvodnje ljekovitog i začinskog bilja Suradnja s tijelima uprave 2019/07/22 - 2020/12/22 coordinator
Selekcija i kemotipizacija prirodnih populacija planike s područja Istre i Dalmacije Suradnja s gospodarstvom 2017/10/30 - 2019/10/30 coordinator
Suvremene tehnologije sušenja šljive uz uštedu energije VIP - Vijeće za istraživanja u poljoprivredi 2012/11/13 - 2014/11/13 coordinator
Poboljšanje kakvoće proizvoda od jabuka i kupina - proizvodnja soka i sirupa od jabuka i kupina te proizvodnja džema od kupina Suradnja s tijelima uprave 2012/11/27 - 2013/12/15 coordinator


Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Unapređenje stručne prakse na preddiplomskim i diplomskim studijima Agronomskog fakulteta Europski socijalni fond 2020/03/09 - 2023/03/09 coordinator
AGRofood sustainable gOalS Erasmus+ 2019/10/01 - 2021/09/30 partner

university support

Title Funding Duration AFZ role
Bioaktivni spojevi češnjaka iz ekološkog i konvencionalnog uzgoja Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 coordinator
Bioaktivni spojevi i antioksidacijski potencijal bosiljka s tla i plutajućeg hidropona Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2016/01/01 - 2016/12/31 coordinator
Antioksidacijski potencijal praha aronije Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2015/01/01 - 2015/12/31 coordinator
Dorada i prerada tržišno neprihvatljivog voća i povrća i njihova primjena u hrani životinja Sveučilište u Zagrebu 2014/01/01 - 2014/12/31 coordinator


  • Šic Žlabur, J., Voća, S., Dobričević, N., Pliestić, S., Galić, A., Boričević, A., Borić, N. (2016). Ultrasound-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from lemon balm and peppermint leaves. International Agrophysics, 30(1):95-104.
    Šic Žlabur, J., Voća, S., Dobričević, N., Brnčić, M., Dujmić, F., Rimac Brnčić, S. (2015). Optimization of ultrasound assisted extraction of functional ingredients from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaves. International Agrophysics, 29(2):231-237
    Voća, S., Šic Žlabur, J., Dobričević, N., Jakobek, L., Šeruga, M., Galić, A., Pliestić, S. (2014). Variation in the Bioactive Compound Content at Three Ripening Stages of Strawberry Fruit. Molecules, 19: 10370-10385.
    Dujmović Purgar, D.; Duralija, B.; Voća, S.; Vokurka, A.; Ercisli, S. (2012). A comparison of fruit chemical characteristics of two wild grown Rubus species from different locations of Croatia. Molecules. 17, 9; 10390-10398
    Jakobek, L.; Šeruga, M.; Voća, S.; Šindrak, Z.; Dobričević, N. (2009): Flavonol and Phenolic Acid Composition of Sweet Cherries (cv. Lapins) Produced on Six Different Vegetative Rootstocks; Scientia Horticulturae.; Vol.123, No.1; 23-28.
    Voća, S.; Dobričević, N.; Družić, J.; Duralija, B.; Skendrović Babojelić, M.; Dermišek, D.; Čmelik, Z. (2009): The change of fruit quality parameters in day-neutral strawberries cv. Diamante grown out of season, International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, Vol. 60, No. 3, 248-254.

Bibliography (CROSBI):

Google Scholar:

Other professional activities

  • 2014 - : ◾Head of the undergraduate study Agricultural Engineering
  • 2014 - : ◾Member of the Committee for drafting the Regulations on the Implementation of Measures 01 "Knowledge transfer and information activities," Ministry of Agriculture
  • 2012 - : ◾Member of editorial board of scientific journal ACS
  • 2011 - : ◾Member of the Scientific Council for Agriculture and Forestry, Section of processing of agricultural products and biotechnology HAZU
  • 2000 - 2000: ◾Technical Editor of Proceedings of the International Congress of the Croatian technologists for post-harvest technology "Zrnko"
  • 1998 - 1998: ◾Member of the Organizing and Scientific committee Conference for postharvest technology and biofuels, Zagreb

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