
Basics of Agricultural Zoology (152067)

Nositelj predmeta

Opis predmeta

Definition and development of zoology and agricultural zoology. Principles of general and systematic zoology. Etiology. The basic ecological concepts. Zoogeography. Paleontology. Evolution. Endemic species and the protection of animals. Systematic and biology of animals. Overview of the animal kingdom, with special emphasis on those relevant to agronomy. Microscopy. Working with preparations in practicum. Seminars. Field work in nature and Zagreb zoo.

Vrsta predmeta

ECTS: 3.00

Engleski jezik: R1

E-učenje: R1

Sati nastave: 30
Predavanja: 18
Vježbe u praktikumu: 8
Seminar: 4

Izvođač predavanja
Izvođač vježbi
Izvođač seminara

Dovoljan (2): 74-79%
Dobar (3): 80-87%
Vrlo dobar (4): 88-95%
Izvrstan (5): >96%

Opće kompetencije

At the end of this course students will be able to manage good recognition of animal taxa in order to successfully work with the animals and study their role in human life.

Oblici nastave

  • Lectures
    the lessons will be interpreted certain chapters with many examples of practice and numerous projection pictures
  • Laboratory practice/exercises
    Work on the section of different animal species
  • Practicum
    work on a collection of animals that are found in the Department of fisheries, beekeeping, game management and special zoology
  • Field work
    sampling different species in streams and rivers. Visits to museums, the zoo and other natural science institutions
  • Seminars
    individual work of students at especially interesting animal species for him with the expert help of mentors

Ishodi učenja i način provjere

Ishod učenja Način provjere
Identify and nominate important animal taxons colloquium, midterm exam
To understand the significance of evolution and evidence of it oral exam
To demonstrate the basics of field and laboratory work with animals oral exam
Systematized animal species in the appropriate category and understand its role in agriculture midterm exam

Način rada

Obveze nastavnika

Classes according to the schedule and within the planned number of hours. Keeping records of the presence of students in classes, student success and achievements. Recommendations of textbooks, manuals and other forms of information that are available to students. Maintenance exams for students according to the schedule prescribed in the examination terms. Maintenance consultation with students to overcome the study program. Organizing field work for students. Mentoring students in the preparation of the final work.

Obveze studenta

Solve the teaching and exam prerequisites. Attend the established curriculum.

Polaganje ispita

Elementi praćenja Maksimalno bodova ili udio u ocjeni Bodovna skala ocjena Ocjena Broj sati izravne nastave Ukupni broj sati rada prosječnog studenta ECTS bodovi
midterm exam 44 <74 %
74 %
80 %
88 %
96 %
Nedovoljan (1)
Dovoljan (2)
Dobar (3)
Vrlo dobar (4)
Izvrstan (5)
12 160 1.3
oral exam 12 <74 %
74 %
80 %
88 %
96 %
Nedovoljan (1)
Dovoljan (2)
Dobar (3)
Vrlo dobar (4)
Izvrstan (5)
6 10 0.4
midterm exam 44 74 % 12 160 1.3
Elementi praćenja Opis Rok Nadoknada
midterm exam Chordonia, Anamnia, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia From the ninth week until the end of classes During examination periods
oral exam Ecology. Basic ecological terms. Zoogeography. Paleontology. Evolution. Endemic species and animal protection During examination periods
colloquium Identify and nominate important animal taxons By the end of the classes During examination periods

Tjedni plan nastave

  1. General and systematic zoology L - Definition and importance of zoology and agricultural zoology. Basic concepts of general zoology. The principles of classification of animals.
  2. Selected terms of general zoology I L - Tomljanović Etiology. The basic ecological terms. Zoogeography
  3. Selected terms of general zoology II L - Paleontology. Evolution. Endemic species and the protection of animals
  4. Taxonomy I L - Protozoa, Parazoa
  5. Taxonomy II L - Ameria
  6. Taxonomy III L - Polymeria, Oligomeria
  7. Taxonomy IV L - Anamnia
  8. Taxonomy V L - Reptilia, Aves.
  9. Taxonomy VI L - Mammalia
  10. Practicum P - Work with preparats in practicum
  11. Laboratory work Lab - Microscopy
  12. Field sampling I F - Field work in nature
  13. Field sampling II F - Field work in Zagreb zoo.
  14. Seminar S - Individual consultation for seminar work
  15. Exam

Obvezna literatura

  1. Treer T., Tucak Z. (2004): Agrarna zoologija. Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
  2. Treer T., Odak T., Piria M. (2001): Tablice za prepoznavanje važnijih taksona životinja. Agronomski fakultet, Zagreb.

Preporučena literatura

  1. Oštrec Lj. (1998): Zoologija. Zrinski, Čakovec.
  2. Matoničkin I., Erben R. (2004): Opća zoologija. Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
  3. Dorit R. L., Walker W. F., Barnes R. D. (1991): Zoology. Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia.
  4. Garms H., Borm L. (1981): Fauna Evrope. Mladinska knjiga, Ljubljana
  5. Matoničkin I.,Habdija I., Primc-Habdija B. (1998): Beskralješnjaci I & II. Školska knjiga, Zagreb.

Sličan predmet na srodnim sveučilištima

  • Agricultural Zoology, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic
  • Zoologie, BOKU, Wien, Austria
  • Zoology, University of Hohenheim, Germany

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