Horse using and breeding (152097)
Nositelj predmeta
Opis predmeta
This course will give insight into economic value of horse breeding in world and Croatia and how they have made such an impact on our own societal development. Briefly will be mentioned evolution and domestication of equides and insight into some breeds of horses will be given. Separate chapter will cover equine physiology, anatomy and myology with special overview on hoof and coat colors and markings in horses. For training and management it is very important to understand equid behavior (normal and abnormal behaviors) and movement (basic gaits), how equids are relate to their environment, and to learn to recognize basic equine senses and way of communication. Course will provide insight into equestrian sports (jumping, dressage, eventing, endurance, vaulting, driving, and etc.) with special stress on horse’s welfare. One of the most important aspects of horses basic care is feeding management (understanding how and with what to feed these animals and how to evaluate animal’s nutrient requirements). One of the topics in the course is maintaining equine health. The beginning of the lecture will start with the normal equine vital signs and then with administering first aid to animals, with emphasis typical diseases of horses (IAK, leptospirosis, genetic disorders, etc). Environmental and microclimate factors in stables will be mentioned in chapter Housing horses, which is in connection to their welfare and health status. As breeding is an important component of the equine industry, one chapter will be devoted to breeding management i.e. equine reproduction (AI., estrous cycles, pregnancy and parturition, lactation and etc.). At the end, the course will cover some basic terms considering selection in horse breeding (progeny and performance test), breeding methods and inbreeding. During this course students will visit Hippodrome and two stud farms within field work.
Vrsta predmeta
- Undergraduate studies / BS Courses taught in English (Izborni predmet, 2. semestar, 1. godina)
ECTS: 6.00
E-učenje: R1
Sati nastave: 60
Predavanja: 32
Vježbe u praktikumu: 24
Seminar: 4
Izvođač predavanja
Izvođač vježbi
Dovoljan (2): 60-70 %
Dobar (3): 71-80 %
Vrlo dobar (4): 81-90 %
Izvrstan (5): >90%
Opće kompetencije
Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to independently conduct horse breeding management, have basic knowledge about horses anatomical and physiological system, focusing on reproductive system. They will be qualified to conduct breeding programs and mating schemes for selection purposes, thus being familiar with the procedure and methods of recording in horse breeding. Also, students will be able to integrate new theoretical and practical knowledges in the aim of raising the level of efficiency in horse production. Also, they will get knowledge about way of horse utilization in different sports disciplines respecting the principles of animal welfare.
Oblici nastave
- Lectures
theme - economic, social and environmental situation of horse status in Croatia and world vide / domestication of horse and wild ancestors / types and breeds of horses/ anatomy and physiology of horse / skeleton, muscles, neural system, blood system, digestive system, reproductive system, udder, behavior / horse reproduction of cattle (pregnancy, foaling, breeding of young animals) / horses nutrition / stables for horses / training horses / horses sports and disciplines / law and welfare - Laboratory practice/exercises
theme - recognition and description of horse breeds / taking body measurements / preparing horses for riding / horse training (lunging horse) / basic movements of horse (walk, trot, gallop) / making descriptive list (marks on horses body) / making feeding plan - Seminars
theme – current situation in horse breeding sector, breeds of horses, comparison of different horse sports and disciplines in world
Ishodi učenja i način provjere
Ishod učenja | Način provjere |
Identify unique characteristic of various breeds of horses | Discussions, Colloquium , written and oral exam, seminar work |
Identify major external anatomical structures of the horse, contrast horse coat colors and coat markings | Discussions, Colloquium , written and oral exam, seminar work |
Analyse how equids use their senses in relation to their environment and distinguish between normal and abnormal equine behaviors | Discussions, Colloquium , written and oral exam, seminar work |
Identify the basic gaits of horses | Discussions, Colloquium , written and oral exam, seminar work |
Analyse equine vital signs as indicators of health | Discussions, Colloquium , written and oral exam, seminar work |
Analyse environmental and microclimate factors in stables | Discussions, Colloquium , written and oral exam, seminar work |
Identify reproductive anatomy of mares and stallions | Discussions, Colloquium , written and oral exam, seminar work |
Relate different mating systems used for equids | Discussions, Colloquium , written and oral exam, seminar work |
Način rada
Obveze nastavnika
Present intended program of lectures in a simple and understandable way. Carry out the planned program of field exercises. Assign themes of seminars and assist students in their preparation.
Assess the extent to which students have adopted educational objectives and achieve the learning outcomes and therefore grade students combining written and oral assessment (grades from insufficient (1) to excellent (5).
Obveze studenta
Attend a planned program of lectures and adopt intended knowledge by program. Actively participate in the discussion during lectures, exercises, seiner papers. Prepare and present the assigned topics of seminar papers. Take the partial exams or a final written exam as a condition for taking the oral final exam.
Polaganje ispita
Elementi praćenja | Maksimalno bodova ili udio u ocjeni | Bodovna skala ocjena | Ocjena | Broj sati izravne nastave | Ukupni broj sati rada prosječnog studenta | ECTS bodovi |
Lectures | 32 | 32 | 1 | |||
Exercises | 24 | 24 | 0.8 | |||
Seminar paper | 8% | 4 | 8 | 0.3 | ||
Written Test 1 | 26% |
60-70 % 71-80 % 81-90 % 91-100 % |
Dovoljan (2) Dobar (3) Vrlo dobar (4) Izvrstan (5) |
33 | 1.1 | |
Written Test 2 | 26% |
60-70 % 71-80 % 81-90 % 91-100 % |
Dovoljan (2) Dobar (3) Vrlo dobar (4) Izvrstan (5) |
33 | 1.1 | |
Final oral exam (required passed seminar paper and written tests. Students who failed written tests write the final exam from the whole module before oral exam). | 40% |
60-70 % 71-80 % 81-90 % 91-100 % |
Dovoljan (2) Dobar (3) Vrlo dobar (4) Izvrstan (5) |
50 | 1.7 | |
Total | 100% | 60 | 180 | 6 |
Elementi praćenja | Opis | Rok | Nadoknada |
Seminar paper | Grade: Subjective estimation of teacher | ||
Written Test 1 | The first written test includes material from the first part of teaching : economic importance of equine breed, equine functional anatomy and physiology, behavior and care. | 5th week | Enabled one correction of negative mark through additional test. |
Written Test 2 | The second written test includes material from the second part of teaching: training methods, equine competitions, feeding and housing management, health and welfare. | 15th week | Enabled one correction of negative mark through additional test. |
Final oral exam | Is consisted from 10 to 15 questions from each chapter. Student can approach to final exam after successfully passed seminar work and written exams. | Examination dates |
Tjedni plan nastave
- Economic value of horse breeding in world and Croatia; Horse Evolution and domestication
- Horse breeds
- Basic Equine Physiology, hoof anatomy
- Horse osteology and myology, mechanical centers and axis
- Equine Behavior and care
- Test 1: written exam, Equine Training for sport and work
- Equine competitions, seminar work, Equipment for horses.
- Eqiune Feeding management (types of food and feeding plan)
- Field work (Croatian hippodrome visit)
- Field work (optional: stood farm, private stood farm)
- Maintaining Equine Health and welfare
- Housing horses
- Breeding Management
- Selection in horse breeding (conformation and condition, performance and progeny test, colors and marks on horses)
- Test 2: written exam, seminar work
Obvezna literatura
- Davies Morel, Mina.C.G. (2005). Breeding horses. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Frape, D. (2004). Equine nutrition and feeding third edition. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Luxmoore, K. (2008). Introduction to Equestrian Sports. Landlinks Press. Australia.
- Waran, N. (2003). The Welfare of Horses. Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow.
Preporučena literatura
- Bowling, A.T., Ruvinsky, A. (2000). The genetics of the horse. CABI Publishing. UK.
- Blanchard, S. (2005). The power of positive horse training. Wiley Publishing, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.