Wildlife ecology and conservation (176012)
Nositelj predmeta
Opis predmeta
Application of biological to the problem of the wildlife ecology and conservation. Population processes of wildlife resources and applying theory to management. Wildlife ecology and management in agricultural lands with accent on human wildlife conflicts. Basic of GIS modeling and its application.
Vrsta predmeta
- Graduate studies / MS Courses taught in English (Izborni predmet, 1. semestar, 1. godina)
ECTS: 6.00
Engleski jezik: R1
E-učenje: R1
Sati nastave: 60
Predavanja: 28
Vježbe u praktikumu: 20
Seminar: 12
Izvođač predavanja
Izvođač vježbi
Izvođač seminara
Dovoljan (2): 60-70%
Dobar (3): 71-80%
Vrlo dobar (4): 81-90%
Izvrstan (5): 91-100%
Uvjeti za dobivanje potpisa
Regular attendance to the classes and field trips, seminar
Opće kompetencije
Oral exam
Oblici nastave
- Lectures
- Auditory Exercises
- Field work
- Seminars
- Design exercises
Ishodi učenja i način provjere
Ishod učenja | Način provjere |
knowledge in wildlife ecology and conservation | Oral exam |
recognition of animal taxes | Oral exam |
basic of GIS modeling | Oral exam |
basic of conservation genetics | Oral exam |
human widlife conflict | Oral exam |
capability for independent check and processing of scientific literature | Seminar essay, Project |
capability for independent writing of minor scientific papers and presentation of results | Seminar essay |
Polaganje ispita
Elementi praćenja | Maksimalno bodova ili udio u ocjeni | Bodovna skala ocjena | Ocjena | Broj sati izravne nastave | Ukupni broj sati rada prosječnog studenta | ECTS bodovi |
Total | 60 | 180 | 6 |
Tjedni plan nastave
- Introduction to wildlife ecology and Conservation
- Taxonomy and systematics
- Wildlife ecology and behaviour I
- Wildlife ecology and behaviour II
- Wildlife ecology and behaviour III
- Research Methods and communications
- Genetics in conservation and wildlife management
- Environmental Impact assessment
- GIS in wildlife science
- Human wildlife conflict
- Skills for wildlife Conservation (Field trip I)
- Skills for wildlife Conservation (Field trip II)
- Seminar I
- Seminar II
- Seminar III
Obvezna literatura
- Putman, R., Apollonio, M. ()2014) Behaviour and managements of European ungulates. Whittles publishing, Scotland, UK
- Apollonio, M., Andersen, R., Putman, R. (2010) European ungulates and their management in the 21st century. Cambridge university press, UK
- Braun, E.C. (2005) Techniques for wildlife investigations and management. The wildlife society, Maryland, USA