Waste Education Initiative
Akronim: Waste EI
Naziv natječaja: Erasmus+
Izvor financiranja: Erasmus+
Uloga AFZ: partner
Početak provedbe: 01.01.2017.
Završetak provedbe: 31.12.2019.
Web stranica projekta: https://www2.mmu.ac.uk/environmental-science-research/waste-to-resource-innovation-network/our-work/erasmusplus-waste-education-initiative/
The Erasmus+ Waste Education Initiative (Waste EI) is a three-year project that started in 2017 with the purpose of investigating waste education delivered across 5 EU regions. With the aim of sharing best practice the project endeavours to encourage citizens to improve the quality and volume of valuable resources available for recycling. The Regions covered by the partnership represent approximately 7 million residents and 5 million tonnes per annum of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) with a variety of recycling approaches. Delivered by Universities and Industry, the objective of the project is to change behaviour and ensure regions maximise recycling in the most cost-effective way through a combination of teaching, educational resources and ICT. The ultimate aim is to develop a waste aware and motivated generation of young people across Europe, preparing them for ‘green’ sector opportunities resulting from the decoupling of economic growth from material consumption central to the Circular Economy principals.
prof. dr. sc. Neven Voća
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet
prof. dr. sc. Craig Banks
Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)