ClimMani Climate Change Manipulation Experiments in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Networking and Outreach
Naziv natječaja: ESF
Izvor financiranja: ESF - The European Science Foundation
Uloga AFZ: partner
Broj ugovora: 055/13
Početak provedbe: 01.06.2008.
Završetak provedbe: 31.05.2013.
Many climate change manipulation experiments have been carried out in recent decades. However, several challenges still exist or have emerged which limit our understanding of ecosystem functioning under future climate change. These include inadequate representation of biomes, artifacts, incomparable experiments, poor representation of relevant scenarios, in particular extreme events, lack of research communication sharing of results and lack of good data for modeling.
This Action will develop a network for the experimental climate change research community brining experimentalists and modelers together in order to provide solutions to these recurrent challenges.
The Action will organise workshops addressing key challenges in climate change experiments and modeling, support research exchange, educate young scientists and facilitate better sharing and access to experimental data.
The Action will be organised within four Working Groups to address:
Experimental best practice
Natural climate gradients as experimental proxies
Data sharing
Data-model interaction
The Action will provide added value to European climate change research by linking high level national research groups and projects to a supra-national level and provide strong links and interactions with the global research community.
prof. dr. sc. Željka Zgorelec
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