Internationalizing CASEE network by introducing innovative mobility activities and defining quality criteria
Akronim: CASEE-In
Naziv natječaja: Impulse
Izvor financiranja: EU programi
Uloga AFZ: partner
Ukupna vrijednost: 83.150,00 EUR
Financirani iznos: 83.150,00 EUR
Početak provedbe: 07.01.2016.
Završetak provedbe: 06.01.2018.
The overall objective of the CASEE-In project is improvement of internationalization of partner universities and CASEE network with accent on innovative mobility activities and setting up of tools for internationalization process. The current project consortium, except State Agrarian University of Moldova, has previous strong relationships among the partners and this University has been included into partnership as a first step to finance mutual activities and to broaden cooperation among Danube region. The combination of special expertise and complementary strengths of each partner will be jointly integrated in all project activities which will be implemented through 5 work packages - Management, Dissemination, Mapping of internationalization, Introducing innovative mobility activities and Quality control and monitoring. The main objectives of the project are two-fold: to create a set of indicators for quality assurance in internationalization of higher education institutions and to introduce innovative student mobility by exposing master students to interdisciplinary scientific conferences, thereby increasing the employability of graduates through a higher level of intercultural and interdisciplinary competences. The project will support and strengthen the institutional capacity of the University and its recent efforts for internationalization, having an important impact at local, national and regional level by promoting the best sectorial scientific results and know-how.
Enhancement of the quality of education and research will lead to overall promotion of partners involved and consequently to broader university visibility. Sustainability of the project results is guaranteed by the fact that all outputs and outcomes of the project are built and verified in the regional environment and they serve in the continual process of institutional development as unified and levered tool for progress assessment. As partners are members of CASEE network, the results of the CASEE-ln project will be presented and proposed to other members in order to implement it at their institutions.
prof. dr. sc. Renata Bažok
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet
Ivona Filipović, dipl. ing.
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet
prof. dr. sc. Željka Zgorelec
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet
Ivana Prosinečki, dipl. ing.
Agronomski fakultet
prof. dr. sc. Marija Cerjak
Sveučilište u Zagrebu Agronomski fakultet