Assoc. Prof. Ivana Pajač Živković, PhD
Associate Professor
Division for Phytomedicine
Department of Agricultural Zoology
Office location: 3rd Pavilion, ground floor, room number 13
Phone: +385 1 239 3948
Email: ipajac ( at )
Languages: croatian, english
Consultations: monday from 10 am to 11 am
Academic qualifications
- 2009 - 2012: Doctor of Science
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Biology, ecology and genetics of codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) populations in north-west Croatia - 2001 - 2007: Master engineer of phytomedicine
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Inventarisation of autochthonous vascular flora in the Jazbina orchard area
Employment and work experience
- 2022 - : Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Associate professor - 2016 - 2022: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Assistant Professor - 2015 - 2017: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Senior Expert Associate - 2009 - 2015: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
Expert Associate
- Akarologija (144427)
- Ekološko maslinarstvo (144412)
- Metode procjene ekološke kakvoće u sustavu integrirane zaštite bilja (173801)
- Načela fitofarmacije (185458)
- Sustavi suzbijanja štetnih organizama (143991)
- Stručni projekt - Fitomedicina (251012)
- Stručna praksa - Fitomedicina (250976)
- Zaštita voćaka i vinove loze od štetočinja (144008)
- Načela integrirane zaštite bilja (144404)
- Stručna praksa - Fitomedicina (251011)
- Štetni organizmi energetskih kultura (226285)
- Napredni sustavi istraživanja u entomologiji (201053)
- Fitofarmacija i aplikacija pesticida (197022)
- Integrirana zaštita bilja (197023)
- Ekološka zaštita od štetnika (197041)
- Urbana entomologija (197051)
- Voćarska entomologija (197052)
- Vinogradarska entomologija (197053)
- Inkapsulacija bioaktivnih komponenata za ishranu i zaštitu biljnih kultura (228730)
- Invazivni štetni organizmi u poljoprivredi (226171)
- Invasive pests in agriculture (238608)
Research interests
- Agricultural entomology
- Integrated fruit and grape protection
- Taxonomic identification of true bugs and vinegar flies
- Molecular identification of pests
- Genetics of codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.)
- Invasive arthropods
Training and research experience
- 2015/09/14 - 2015/09/16: University of Ljubljana, Biotehnical Faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia (teaching)
International LifeADA course "Teacher training" - "Communication and ways/methods of knowledge transfer" - 2010/09/12 - 2015/09/16: IOBC Working Group „Integrated Protection of Fruit Crops“, Joint meeting of the sub-Groups „Pome fruit arthropods“ and „Stone fruits“, Vico del Gargano, Italy (scientific)
Workshop on Sustainable protection of fruit crops in the Mediterranean area - 2009/11/16 - 2009/11/18: Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia (scientific)
Methodological courses in biology and medicine - "Molecular phylogeny" - 2008/04/07 - 2008/04/11: Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia (scientific)
Methodological courses in biology and medicine - "DNA and RNA"
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Primjena bisex atraktanata u praćenju i suzbijanju jabukova savijača u Međimurju | VIP - Vijeće za istraživanja u poljoprivredi | 2015/11/05 - 2017/11/05 | coordinator |
Primjena biološke zaštite od važnih štetnika jabuke i vinove loze u Međimurju | Suradnja s tijelima uprave | 2010/11/22 - 2012/11/22 | coordinator |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
AgriART sveobuhvatni upravljački sustav u području precizne poljoprivrede | EU programi | 2020/09/01 - 2023/09/01 | partner |
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Harmonization and Innovation in PhD Study Programs for Plant Health in Sustainable Agriculture | Erasmus+ | 2019/01/15 - 2022/02/14 | coordinator |
Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Agriculture in Alps-Adriatic Region | EU programi | 2013/12/01 - 2016/11/30 | coordinator |
university support
Title | Funding | Duration | AFZ role |
Biološka raznolikost u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2017/01/01 - 2017/12/31 | coordinator |
Biološka raznolikost u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2016/01/01 - 2016/12/31 | partner |
Biološka raznolikost u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2015/01/01 - 2015/12/31 | coordinator |
Nepesticidne mjere zaštite bilja | Sveučilište u Zagrebu | 2013/10/01 - 2014/06/30 | coordinator |
- Pajač Živković, I., Jurić, S., Vinceković, M., Galešić, M., Marijan, M., Vlahovićek-Kahlina, K., Mikac, K. & Lemic, D. (2020) Polyphenol-Based Microencapsulated Extracts as Novel Green Insecticides for Sustainable Management of Polyphagous Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys Stål, 1855). Sustainability, 12 (23), 10079, 16 doi:10.3390/su122310079.
- Lemić, D., Benitez, H., Bjeliš, M., Ordenes-Claveria, R., Ninčević, P., Mikac, K. & Pajač Živković, I. (2020) Agroecological effect and sexual shape dimorphism in medfly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) an example in Croatian populations. Zoologischer anzeiger, 288, 118-124 doi:10.1016/j.jcz.2020.08.005.
- Pajač Živković, I., Benitez, H., Barić, B., Drmić, Z., Kadoić Balaško, M., Lemic, D., Dominguez Davila, J., Mikac, K. & Bažok, R. (2019) Codling Moth Wing Morphology Changes Due to Insecticide Resistance. Insects, 10 (310), 1-13 doi:10.3390/insects10100310.
- Pajač Živković, I., Duralija, B., Barić, B., Seljak, G., Lemic, D. & Mešić, A. (2019) The development of drosophilid species (Diptera, Drosophilidae) in different strawberry cultivars. European journal of horticultural science, 84 (1), 48-52 doi:10.17660/eJHS.2019/84.1.7.
- Pajač Živković, I., Kos, T., Lemić, D., Cvitković, J., Jemrić, T., Fruk, M. & Barić, B. (2018) Exclusion nets influence on the abundance of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in apple orchards. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 16 (3), 3517-3528 doi:10.15666/aeer/1603_35173528.
- Pajač Živković, I., Lemić, D., Mešić, A., Barić, B., Órdenes, R. & Benítez, A. (2018) Effect of fruit host on wing morphology in Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae): A first view using geometric morphometrics. Entomological research, 48 (4), 262-268 doi:10.1111/1748-5967.12278.
Bibliography (CROSBI):
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Other professional activities
- 2021 - : Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus (ACS) / Editorial Board Member
- 2013 - : IOBC (International Organisation for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants), West Palaearctic Regional Section (WPRS) / Member
- 2011 - : Entomologia Croatica, Official journal of Croatian Entomological Society / Editorial Board Member
- 2010 - 2014: Croatian Entomological Society / Secretary
- 2009 - 2016: Entomologia Croatica, Official journal of Croatian Entomological Society / Tehnical Editor
- 2008 - : Croatian Entomological Society / Member
- 2008 - : Croatian Plant Protection Society / Member